Saturday 31 October 2020

2020 weekly - week 44 (32nd week of confinement)

25/10/2020, Sunday

My physio routine this coming week.


26/10/2020, Monday

Exercises done today:

1. Morning physio

2. Park run Total running distance: 6000 meters
Longest non-stopping distance: 2800 + 2800 meters

3. Night IT band exercises

Almost didn't make it to the park today because of the intermittent showers. Glad that I persisted.

27/20/2020, Tuesday

Lord, I had the worst hip pain last night. Using chairs is hard so is the stairs. Hip impingement or bursitis? Don't know but getting old is not fun! It's especially embarrassing now because I am due to see my physiotherapist tomorrow. Arrgggh.

28/10/2020, Wednesday

Seen my physiotherapist at the hospital today. After assessments, he suspected that I have weak glute medius which could explain the hip pain. He thinks that my knee pain earlier could be a separate issue, possibly runner's friction syndrome. The physio regime he prescribed is as follows: clamshell with resistance band, lateral band walk, single leg squat (knee aligned with hip straight) and side-lying leg raise with ankle weight. This regime is certainly corroborated by this summary article of relevant research. I will also ease my running temporarily to build up the glute first. 

This is a new therapist whom I'd had phone consultations until today. He's really good and attentive. At some point he was saying something like: "there is no reason for a young person like you not to run". I thought quietly, if I had born a son when I was 20, he would have been at your age! I didn't say it of course, just giving him a big smile (under a mask). Joking aside, having some answers to my problems really help me not just physically but also mentally. I am less anxious now about my legs and I know how to improve them. Thank you, M. Let's see whether in 3 months I feel better. 

29/10/2020, Thursday

Working on revising my physio routine. 

Year 2020 is not getting easier, is it? With France going into another national lockdown, UK infection now doubling every 9 days, another incident of religious attack and a sad news about an internet acquaintance's untimely passing. I don't know what to say and think anymore. Why are human beings so eager to kill one another? We the living have the duty to do our best for ourselves and others, don't we?

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