Saturday 3 October 2020

2020 weekly - week 40 (28th week of confinement)

28/09/2020, Monday

My physio routine this coming week

Exercises done today:

1. Morning physio

2. Park run

    Total running distance: 5200 meters
    Longest non-stopping distance: 2000 + 2800 meters

3. Night IT band exercises

Left leg is happier than last Friday. I tried to push a little during the run and the pain was minimal. Well, let's hope that it's on the mend.

29/09/2020, Tuesday

I made snow skin mooncakes today, first mooncake of any kind in my life. If you want it enough, you will make it. Ha.

30/09/2020, Wednesday

Exercises done today:

1. Morning physio

2. Park run

    Total running distance: 5200 meters
    Longest non-stopping distance: 2000 + 2800 meters

3. Night IT band exercises

I got this knee support brace thing which wraps around a knee. I tested it during running. Not sure whether it's psychological but it seems easier today. Well, only time will tell.

01/10/2020, Thursday

Happy Mid-Autumn ! 

Exercises done today:

1. Morning physio

2. Park run

    Total running distance: 4800 meters
    Longest non-stopping distance: 2000 + 2000 meters

3. Night IT band exercises

02/10/2020, Friday

Exercises done today:

1. Morning physio

2. Park run

3. Night IT band exercises

03/10/2020, Saturday

Decided to organize my spice/herb cupboard. Through time evolution, jars have self-organized to a tray of herbs and another of warm spices. Still, after checking the dates, refilling the empty jars and combining some spices on the spot, it took longer than I expected. At least, I have a new spice cupboard to look forward to.


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