Saturday 17 October 2020

I make - Ground Almond Brownies I

I have so many brownie recipes which have written up in the folder. They are not published because either they need more work or they are not as good as initially thought. But this brownie recipe came to my attention quite late to my attention but gets published first because it is that good without tweaking!

This is proper gluten free brownie as it does not use gluten free flour blend. The original recipe uses only ground almond but I added a tablespoon of cornstarch to make it bind better. I also halved the sugar and supplemented with some sweetener. Despite with all the changes, the result is as the author promised, chewy, tasty and very moreish. My only niggle would be that the chocolate flavor is on the light side. Perhaps it's because I didn't add the chocolate chips specified (I don't like bits inside the brownies). Still, I like it enough to write it here and will repeat the recipe.

Ground Almond Brownies

1.5 cups (150 g) ground almond (take 1 tbsp out and put back 1 tbsp cornstarch)
1/4 cup (21 g) cocoa powder
1/4 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 cup brown sugar + 1 tbsp Truvia (or use 1 cup sugar instead)
3 tbsps coconut oil, melted
1 large egg
1 egg yolk
1 tsp vanilla
1/4 cup (45 g) chocolate chips (optional)
Walnut pieces for the top (optional)

Preheat your oven to180C. Grease and line the bottom of a 20cm pan.

In a medium bowl, stir together the ground almond, cornstarch, cocoa powder, baking soda and salt. Set aside.

In a separate medium bowl, use an electric hand mixer to beat the sugar and oil just until the sugar is moistened. Add in egg, egg yolk and vanilla. Beat until JUST combined, only about 20 seconds or so. You don't want to beat too much air into the batter or the brownies will sink when cooking.

Put the dry ingredients into the wet bowl and stir (by hand) until well mixed. Stir in the chocolate chips. Decorate the top with walnut pieces if using.

Press the batter into the prepared pan. It is VERY thick so I found using VERY lightly damp hands to work the best. Bake until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean, about 20-22 minutes.

Let cool completely before slicing.

Note: For me, brownies always tastes better two days after it's made. It was like that back in my wheat days and it's the same with gluten-free flour. On the day of baking, the brownies tastes predominantly almondy. Two days after, a nice flavor of coconut and cocoa starts to come out. 

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