Saturday 17 October 2020

2020 weekly - week 42 (30th week of confinement)

11/10/2020, Sunday

My physio routine this coming week


Planning another salmon quiche tonight so I prepared the crust first. Today the baking god is with me because it worked very smoothly! Very cold pastry seems to make dough handling much easier so I made a note of what I did today.

12/10/2020, Monday

Exercises done today:

1. Morning physio

2. Park run

    Total running distance: 5600 meters
    Longest non-stopping distance: 2800 + 2400 meters

3. Night IT band exercises

A quite distressing news came from work today. Perhaps more later.

13/10/2020, Tuesday

My French essay this time c'est tres difficile! It took me two days to finish bur I'm glad that I did.

Exercises done today:

1. Morning physio

2. Park run

    Total running distance: 5600 meters
    Longest non-stopping distance: 2800 + 2400 meters

3. Night IT band exercises

14/10/2020, Wednesday

I had what I thought the last (phone) physio consultation but my therapist decided to bring me in for another look. Have to say I am grateful and stressful at the same time. Plus other things going on I am feeling quite tense.

Another two baking flops. Decided to send them to the bin. They are edible but life is too short for that.

Exercises done today:

1. Morning physio

2. Park run

    Total running distance: 5600 meters
    Longest non-stopping distance: 2800 + 2400 meters

3. Night IT band exercises

4. Walking of 1hr

15/10/2020, Thursday

Exercises done today:

1. Morning physio

2. Park run

    Total running distance: 5600 meters
    Longest non-stopping distance: 2800 + 2400 meters

3. Night IT band exercises

16/10/2020, Friday

Exercises done today:

1. Morning physio

2. Park run

    Total running distance: 5600 meters
    Longest non-stopping distance: 2800 + 2400 meters

3. Night IT band exercises

I ran without the knee brace today and felt absolutely fine afterwards. Knock on wood. I don't think the knee pain is truly gone but at least today I feel encouraged.

And the sun is out.

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