Saturday 12 September 2020

2020 weekly - week 37 (25th week of confinement)

06/09/2020, Sunday

I revised my routine again to focus more on the issues I have (i.e. lateral knee pain).

Morning routine:

1. Warm up
    a. Alternating toe and heel walk: 5 minutes
    b. Calf raise on the stairs: 5 minutes
2. Alfredson Protocol: (15 reps on the right leg; 15 reps on the left leg)x3
3. Single leg calf raise: (45-sec on the right leg; 45-sec on the left leg)x3
4. Split (stationary) lunges: (10 reps with left leg forward; 10 reps with right leg forward)x4
5. Sumo squats: 10x4
6. Arabesque: 10secx4 (standing on the left leg), 10secx4 (standing on the right leg)

Afternoon routine:

0. Warm-up: Body-weight squat+heel-raise: 20x4
1. Split (stationary) lunges: (10 reps with left leg forward; 10 reps with right leg forward)x4
2. Walking lunges: 4 minutes
3. Running
4. Standing Abs: cross-elbow, chopping, side leg-raise, front leg-raise
5. Push-ups: 10x4

Night routine:
1. Clam shells with resistance band: 20reps x 3
2. Band walk: 20 reps x 3
3. Cross body stretches: 20 reps x 3


Did more gardening this weekend and also gave a serious haircut to our "curry plant" (it smells like curry). That's all for this year, I think. Something to look forward to the Spring.

07/09/2020, Monday

Total running distance: 5200 meters
Longest non-stopping distance: 2000 meters + 2000 meters

This new running routine seems to work on my left knee pain. By breaking up my non-stopping run in two chunks seems to work. I did try to run more on the second segment but my knee complained soon. So for the time being, two segments of 2000 meters.

08/09/2020, Tuesday

Marzipan fruit cake loaf. Oh.My.Word. More marzipan chunks next time.

09/09/2020, Wednesday

The more I run, the more I enjoy. Surprising from a person who has avoided running until this year but true. I feel more focused, energetic and relaxed at the same time afterwards. I shall try to keep at it.

Total running distance: 5200 meters
Longest non-stopping distance: 2000 meters + 2000 meters

10/09/2020, Thursday

Non-running day but doing my old routine (minus the running). Man, was my old routine tough or what? I do feel that my legs are stronger than a few months ago. I can finally do the proper walking lunges without breaking a stride. Good workout overall and pleased with myself trying again.

Worked until midnight today. Kind of feeling back in grads school.

11/09/2020, Friday

Busy start today. Driving to the office first to get some paperwork done (still more to follow), grocery run, scone baking, running and all these inserting work here and there.

Total running distance: 5200 meters
Longest non-stopping distance: 2000 meters + 2400 meters

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