Saturday 26 September 2020

2020 weekly - week 39 (27th week of confinement)

20/09/2020, Sunday

My physio routine this coming week.


Last third of the year 2020. A true Annus Horribilis world wise. Looking on the bright side, my leg has improved so has my health. Working from home seems to have a positive effect on couple relationship. Not sure why. Perhaps less external stress and more time together. Not a completely annus horribilis on the personal level then.

Totally hooked on Battlestar Galactica (BSG) series. Apparently we are so very late to the scene. It was first aired in 2004! Well, I re-found my love for Sci-Fi with BSG ever since they showed me a faster-than-light jump!

Summer lingers on. Usually the temperature never exceeds 20C in September. Nowadays, it's hovering between 20 and 24. Planted bluebells and tulips today. Every time we go to the garden centre, it's dangerous.

21/09/2020, Monday

These IT band exercises seem to have instant effect on my left knee! Last week I didn't do it because of the hectic schedule and I suffered knee pain instantly even though I only ran once. So last weekend I was determined to repeat my IT band exercises and today, voila, placebo or not, no more knee pain!

Total running distance: 5200 meters
Longest non-stopping distance: 2000 + 2200 meters

22/09/2020, Tuesday

Well, COVID-19 restrictions are back. New cases are doubling frighteningly fast so are the hospital admissions. Most new cases are with young people between 20 and 29. I really don't understand. What could be more important than your health? If small sacrifice makes combatting COVID-19 more effective, it's no brainer. Not only are we going to lose all the good work and the sacrifice back in March, by the look of it, COVID-19 is slowly getting out of our control.

Come on, people. 

24/09/2020, Thursday

Made an appointment for all the vaccinations recommended by my consultant. It takes two rounds! Oh well. Better to be protected than not.

Total running distance: 5200 meters
Longest non-stopping distance: 2000 + 2400 meters

25/09/2020, Friday

Left leg is not happy today. Mostly knee pain but a different way than last week. I will try heat pad later.

Total running distance: 4800 meters
Longest non-stopping distance: (1200 x3) meters

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