Saturday 24 October 2020

2020 weekly - week 43 (31st week of confinement)

18/10/2020, Sunday

My physio routine this coming week


Tried one pain d'épice recipe today. Pretty happy with the way it turned out. I added a scant 1/2 tsp of glycerin to the mix. I guess its effect can only be revealed after a few days but so far I am happy with the texture and the taste. More spice perhaps and make a proper cake divider with tin foil next time!

19/10/2020, Monday

Exercises done today:

1. Morning physio

2. Park run Total running distance: 6000 meters (new record!)
Longest non-stopping distance: 2800 + 2800 meters

3. Night IT band exercises

After being held back by my left leg pain for 8 weeks, my body feels better again. Now I run with the knee brace regardless. Perhaps it's realistic to aim for 10K again.

20/10/2020, Tuesday

Exercises done today:

1. Morning physio

2. Park run Total running distance: 5600 meters
Longest non-stopping distance: 2800 + 2000 meters

3. Night IT band exercises

21/20/2020, Wednesday

Went to see my dentist today and my teeth situation seems to stabilize, not worse, even better in some regards. I feel relived. Perhaps it's something I don't have to worry about that much any more. See you in six months.

22/10/2020, Thursday

Exercises done today:

1. Morning physio

2. Park run Total running distance: 6000 meters
Longest non-stopping distance: 2800 + 2800 meters

3. Night IT band exercises

I think I earned my Brownies today.

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