Saturday 10 October 2020

2020 weekly - week 41 (29th week of confinement)

04/10/2020, Sunday

My physio routine this coming week


A total flop of tweaking my snow skin recipe. I thought by adding more mochi flour would make more chewy skin. But no, quite the opposite in fact. I will stick with my first version then.

05/10/2020, Monday

Exercises done today:

1. Morning physio

2. Park run

    Total running distance: 5200 meters
    Longest non-stopping distance: 2400 + 2400 meters

3. Night IT band exercises

The knee and hip joint pain continue but they seem just slightly less today. Will continue to wear knee brace, heat pad and IT band exercises. 

06/10/2020, Tuesday

Had a super busy day today, including French tonight! 

Exercises done today:

1. Morning physio

2. Park run

    Total running distance: 5200 meters
    Longest non-stopping distance: 2400 + 2400 meters

3. Night IT band exercises

07/10/2020, Wednesday

Exercises done today:

1. Morning physio

2. Park run

    Total running distance: 5200 meters
    Longest non-stopping distance: 2400 + 2400 meters

3. Night IT band exercises

4. Two rounds of walking

Got 5 shots of vaccines today, including the flu one. The nurse told me that my arms may feel sore and yes the one which got three shots are properly sore.

Let's hope not too much other side effect from those jabs.

08/10/2020, Thursday

Exercises done today:

1. Morning physio

2. Park run

    Total running distance: 5600 meters (new record!)
    Longest non-stopping distance: 2800 + 2400 meters

3. Night IT band exercises

Had a great run at the park today. No leg problem at all (knock-on-wood) and I just felt good all the way through so that I did an extra lap. I start to wonder whether the leg problem goes away when I also do my morning session. Well, thank you Body for working with me again.

09/10/2020, Friday

Exercises done today:

1. Morning physio

2. Park run

    Total running distance: 5600 meters
    Longest non-stopping distance: 2800 + 2400 meters

3. Night IT band exercises

10/10/2020, Saturday

Happy Birthday, Taiwan!

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