Saturday 26 December 2020

2020 weekly - week 52 (40th week of confinement)

20/12/2020, Sunday

Well, I don't know what to say. The new variant of SAR-CoV-2 of the great British enhancement is hitting the country hard. Just when you thought a respite may be around the corner, here it comes again. I have been quite intrigued by a very fast rise of the infection rate for a while and now I finally know why! It has dented my moral, even for a relatively well individual. Just have to go through the s**t storm with this weak government of ours.

21/12/2020, Monday

Winter solstice today and also a great day to observe Saturn and Jupiter alignment. The Conjunction, apparently an rare event, is visible to the naked eyes tonight. Well, I will definitely give it a go by looking at the south-west night sky tonight.

23/12/2020, Wednesday

Another two boxes of chocolate truffles made. This time it's Apricot or Grand Marnier with orange zest. You can see how quickly we go through this.

I also made the Bûche de Noël . Second homemade Bûche in my life. The swiss roll went surprisingly well today, with no crack whatsoever. Except the cake body turned out too thin. Should have used a smaller pan. Nonetheless, I am still quite pleased.

24/12/2020, Thursday, Christmas Eve

Big day cooking and gotta finalise the Bûche.

25/12/2020, Friday, Christmas

This Christmas is particularly special because hubby is contributing to the side dishes today! 

26/12/2020, Saturday, Boxing Day

We are entering Tier4 today, yep, another name for lockdown. 

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