Saturday 12 December 2020

2020 weekly - week 50 (38th week of confinement)

06/12/2020, Sunday

Happy St. Nicolas Day! Yes, we feasted, wined and rolled on to the bed with a fully satisfied belly.


Buying yellow labeled proteins means that they have to be cooked pronto! Spent two hours prepping and cooking pork and chicken (separately for two mains). No more cooking for a few days.

07/12/2020, Monday

My physio routine for the coming week.

Exercises today:

1. Morning routine
2. Park run
3. Night routine

We had zero degree today. Proper winter weather. Obviously no running at the Park. 

It's been a while since we had chicken paprika. Gotta say, when the skies are dark and the air is chill, nothing beats heaty dish like that with warm steamed potatoes.

08/12/2020, Tuesday

Exercises today:

1. Morning routine
2. Park run
3. Night routine

09/12/2020, Wednesday

Exercises today:

1. Morning routine
2. Park run
3. Night routine

10/12/2020, Thursday

Exercises today:

1. Morning routine
2. Park run
3. Night routine

Tried Naomi Devlin's digestive biscuit recipe today. Total success. I didn't expect much but the result is excellent. Light, crispy with the recognizable Digestive's taste and texture. Made me really happy.

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