Saturday 5 December 2020

2020 weekly - week 49 (37th week of confinement)

29/11/2020, Sunday

Only a few weeks left for 2020, a maddening year. The world starts to see the light under this long Covid tunnel. Let's hope we can finally defeat this microorganism.

It's been a month since I had my physio. With the revised exercise routine, I started to see some improvements, small but noticeable. My balance is better during single leg squat and I've not experienced pain. I will push myself a little more on the physio routine. 

Here is the revised routine for the next four weeks:


1. Warm-up (with weight): toe/heel walk 5 minutes + calf raise/heel drop 5 minutes
2. Single-leg calf raise (with weight): left/right 3 x 1 minute each side
3. Sit-stand exercise (red band): 4 x 20 reps (watch out knees not caving in and with hip slightly above the knees when sitting)
4. Lateral Band walk: 4 x 15 steps each side (red band above the knees)
5. Sideway leg lift; 4 x 10 reps each side (body weight only)
6. Single leg squat: 2 x 10 reps each side with support; 2x10 reps each side without support
7. Runner's arabesque: 3 x 10 reps each side (body weight only)
"standing knee slightly bend with tailbone back so that you hinge at the hip with flat back. Squeeze
the buttocks during transition."
8. Stretch

Noon at Park:

1. Warm-up:
    Squats: 4 x 20 reps
    Static lunges: 4 x 10 reps each side
    Reverse lunges: 4 x 10 reps each side
2. Running: 4400 meters with 2 segments of 2000 meters
3. Push ups, single leg squats, arabesque, time/weather permitting
4. Stretch


1. Face-up lying leg raise (body weight): 4 x 15 reps each side
2. Clamshell (with red band): 4 x 20 reps each side
3. Side-lying leg raise (with ankle weight): 4 x 15 reps each side (raised leg toes forwards and leg extending slightly back)
4. Stretch

30/11/2020, Monday

Exercises today:
1. Morning routine
2. Park Run
3. Night routine

01/12/2020, Tuesday

Exercises today:
1. Morning routine
2. Park Run
3. Night routine

I think my body is moving into hibernation mode again. Everything is longer and harder. I normally breeze through the runs but now have to stop at every lap! Not to mention the amount of calories consumed these days. It's not new and I know I just have to let the winter pass before returning to the real me again.

02/12/2020, Wednesday

UK officially comes out of Lockdown 2.0 today, with tighter tier restriction for everyone. Many shops are now open until 23hr! I guess to make up the loss time last month. No crazy buys for me this year but....😉😉😉

A successful bake always cheers me up immensely.

Exercises today:
1. Morning routine
2. Park Run
3. Night routine

03/12/2020, Thursday

A cold and drizzly day.

My body doesn't like sit-stand up exercise. I get hip joint pain quite a lot when doing this. I don't think my posture wrong or anything. I am really puzzled. Better leave it out for the next few weeks.

Exercises today:
1. Morning routine
2. Park Run
3. Night routine

04/12/2020, Friday

Woke up with snow this morning. Very pretty. I am ready for the weekend. 👩

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