Saturday 19 June 2021

I say - Je m'en vais

As the clock strikes midnight 9 hours ago, I am officially out. Out of this god forsaken work place where people do things without questioning and hating it the same time (not me), free from conscious sidelining and constant warding off fireballs (it's me). You known the problem with office politics, even if you choose not to take part, you get drawn in regardless. Because you are either with zem or against. That's how zey think and act. 

The best thing out of pandemic has to be my new adventure. I am proud that I made the decision to move away and look for a place better overall. It was hard work no doubt but I felt that I've carved a way out of this big mess. And I am determined to make it work.

So au revoir, GFWP.

Bonjour, my new adventure. I can't wait to get to know you.

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