Saturday 26 June 2021

2021 weekly - week 25

20/06/2021, Sunday

The weather is grey, but my mind is oh so sunny! 

I feel very blessed these few days. I have to say that getting such (good) attention from your boss continuously is very unusual for me. I know it won't last as it's only natural that life goes up and down in a cycle. I want to remember how motivated and determined I am feeling right now to make a new life out of my new adventure. Not in a million years would I ever expect to be affirmed, supported and looked after like this. I know I am the lucky one.

Monday 21 June 2021

I make - Coconut Flour Cake

My first go with coconut flour. Not bad at all. The texture is light. The taste is coconutty but not over the top. The cake is quite moist but not damp. Keeps well at room temperature for a few days.

Saturday 19 June 2021

2021 weekly - week 24

13/06/2021, Sunday

Last week before I start new life. Can't wait!

It was not intentional but we had our first BBQ in the garden today in 10 years?! We used a disposable one which worked really well for two. Lamb chops, sausages and veggie/halloumi skewers. Cold fruits to finish. It's a lovely warm summer evening.

I say - Je m'en vais

As the clock strikes midnight 9 hours ago, I am officially out. Out of this god forsaken work place where people do things without questioning and hating it the same time (not me), free from conscious sidelining and constant warding off fireballs (it's me). You known the problem with office politics, even if you choose not to take part, you get drawn in regardless. Because you are either with zem or against. That's how zey think and act. 

The best thing out of pandemic has to be my new adventure. I am proud that I made the decision to move away and look for a place better overall. It was hard work no doubt but I felt that I've carved a way out of this big mess. And I am determined to make it work.

So au revoir, GFWP.

Bonjour, my new adventure. I can't wait to get to know you.

Wednesday 16 June 2021

Saturday 12 June 2021

2021 weekly - week 23

06/06/2021, Sunday

The heat continues and I am in fruit heaven. Berries, peaches, nectarines. All juicy and sweet, full of flavor.

Saturday 5 June 2021

I make - Key Lime Pie

Summer is here and I've been yearning for cold desserts. We've had strawberry tiramisu twice. I was tempted by cheesecake but I thought I would try something new. Enter Key Lime Pie.

Traditionally Key Lime Pie uses egg yolks which are "set" by the acidity lime juice. The more yolks you add, the firmer and richer the taste becomes. Four is quite common, I learned. While exploring the blogsphere, I can see some simply use heavy/double cream instead of yolks which make sense. One uses Greek Yogurt which delights me a great detail. Some incorporate cream cheese. Yum but it's then cheesecake to me. So I guess that's how recipe evolution is. Ingredient substitution is the result of adaption for a variety of reasons. Finally, to decorate the top, whipped cream is very common (in rosettes or blanket cover). One lightens the whipped cream with Greek Yogurt ! I guess by now you know I 💓 Greek Yogurt.

So the following recipe is inspired by some of the recipes mentioned above. The result is ultra creamy and not face puckering sour nor sweet. Just a great tasting summer pie. I may even like it more than my beloved cheesecake!

2021 weekly - week 22

30/05/2021, Sunday

Proper summer heat this long weekend. Feeling really upbeat!