Friday 15 May 2020

I make - My Favorite Gluten-Free Flour Mix

After experimenting different gluten-free flour mixes, commercial or homemade, I started to get a feel of how each flour type impacts on the baked goods. By no means an expert, quite the contrary, I am still learning. One thing I know is the importance of starch, for texture. But starch is frequently nutritionally void. The key is to use wholegrain flour to improve overall nutritional values of the flour blend. The balance between wholegrain vs polished, flour vs starch is key to desirable texture of baked goods. My favorite flour blend is based on Gluten-free gourmand pastry flour mix which not only serves a great all-purpose gluten-free flour, easily swappable with conventional wheat flour for a given recipe but also of improved nutritional values.

My favorite gluten-free flour mix

100 g White Rice Flour
200 g Brown Rice Flour
100 g Buckwheat Flour
50 g Tapioca Flour/Corn Starch
50 g Potato Starch

I used to add 1/2 tsp xanthan gum to the mix but now I no longer do so. This is because I found many cake/muffin and bread recipes simply don't need it. I only use xanthan gum to my scones or pie crust.

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