Saturday 9 May 2020

2020 weekly - week 19 (7th week of confinement)

03/05/2020, Sunday

Ankle circumference (tape going on top of tibia/fibula pointed parts):
left widest: 23cm
right widest: 24cm

Morning routine:

0. Rucksack on with 4 kgs (2 big bottles of laundry liquid)
1. Warm up
    a. Alternating toe and heel walk: 5 minutes
    b. Calf raise on the stairs: 5 minutes
2. Alfredson Protocol: (15 reps on the right leg; 15 reps on the left leg)x3
3. Single leg calf raise: (1 minute on the right leg; 1 minute on the left leg)x3
4. Get up and sit down in a chair: (10 reps with left leg forward; 10 reps with right leg forward)x3
5. Split (stationary) lunges: (10 reps with left leg forward; 10 reps with right leg forward)x3
    5b.Backward lunges: (10 reps with left leg back; 10 reps with right leg back)x3
6. Arabesque: 8x3 (standing on the left leg), 8x3 (standing on the right leg)
7. Sumo squats: 10x2

Afternoon routine:

0. Warm-up: Body-weight squat+heel-raise: 20x4
1. Split (stationary) lunges: (10 reps with left leg forward; 10 reps with right leg forward)x4
2. Walking lunges: 4 minutes
3. Jogging on the spot: 2 minutes
4. Knee-high jumps: (45-sec on + 15-sec off)x4
5. Jumping squats: 10x3
6. Jacks: (Star 10 reps; Scissor 10 reps)x4
7. Standing Abs: cross-elbow, chopping, side leg-raise, front leg-raise
8. Side lunges with arms pushing out
9. Butt kicks: 10x3
10. Push-ups: 10x3

I now incorporate running in to the afternoon routine, three times a week, 1200 meters or more in several chunks depending on how I feel on the day. When I run, I just do half of the afternoon routine.

I went for test drive this afternoon. I felt quite confident before I went and after driving for 10 minutes I feel really good. I am back on the road!

04/05/2020, Monday

Soup of the week: Nigel Slater's split pea tomato soup
Dish of the week: Sausage ragu
Dessert: Loaf tin cheesecake

Running: 3200 meters!

Jumping has become more natural for me. Two weeks ago it felt as if my ankle was not supposed to do jumping, you know the funny feeling but not painful. After practicing for two weeks, it feels more natural to jump. Good to see that my body continues to respond to the physio.

06/05/2020, Wednesday

Running: 3200 meters!

Made a sharing creme caramel today. It's super easy and tasty. The custard base is two eggs with 300 ml milk (1 egg: 150 ml milk ratio seems to work wonder). 160C for 25-30 min in a water bath and it's done. Couldn't be easier.

07/05/2020, Thursday

Did an online yoga session with colleagues today, after my morning physio routine. And it would be followed by my afternoon routine. Pretty packed day for exercise.

My work PC died again. Went to the office to tinker with the power lead. Nothing works. Was put on a replacement machine. Let's see how long it will take our oh-so-great IT team to fix it.

08/05/2020, Friday

The Early May Bank Holiday has changed to coincide with the Victory in Europe Day (VE Day) this year which is today. Sunny, warm, still in lockdown, the country celebrated under the necessary constraints. Selfless people sacrificed themselves so that we the current generation can live in peaceful time. Never forget.

Running: 3200 meters!
Can't believe that I did three 3K runs this week. Although today I have to say it took me longer to complete, I am so glad that I willed myself to finish it. Nice way to finish the week.

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