Saturday 16 May 2020

2020 weekly - week 20 (8th week of confinement)

10/05/2020, Sunday

Ankle circumference (tape going on top of tibia/fibula pointed parts):
left widest: 23cm
right widest: 24cm

Morning routine:

0. Rucksack on with 4 kgs (2 big bottles of laundry liquid)
1. Warm up
    a. Alternating toe and heel walk: 5 minutes
    b. Calf raise on the stairs: 5 minutes
2. Alfredson Protocol: (15 reps on the right leg; 15 reps on the left leg)x3
3. Single leg calf raise: (1 minute on the right leg; 1 minute on the left leg)x3
4. Get up and sit down in a chair: (10 reps with left leg forward; 10 reps with right leg forward)x3
5. Split (stationary) lunges: (10 reps with left leg forward; 10 reps with right leg forward)x3
    5b.Backward lunges: (10 reps with left leg back; 10 reps with right leg back)x3
6. Arabesque: 8x3 (standing on the left leg), 8x3 (standing on the right leg)
7. Sumo squats: 10x2

Afternoon routine:

0. Warm-up: Body-weight squat+heel-raise: 20x4
1. Split (stationary) lunges: (10 reps with left leg forward; 10 reps with right leg forward)x4
2. Walking lunges: 4 minutes
3. Jogging on the spot: 2 minutes
4. Knee-high jumps: (45-sec on + 15-sec off)x4
5. Jumping squats: 10x3
6. Jacks: (Star 10 reps; Scissor 10 reps)x4
7. Standing Abs: cross-elbow, chopping, side leg-raise, front leg-raise
8. Side lunges with arms pushing out
9. Butt kicks: 10x3
10. Push-ups: 10x3

Also, I run three times a week during the afternoon routine, 1200 meters or more in several chunks depending on how I feel on the day. When I run, I just do half of the afternoon routine.

The weather was glorious yesterday with the temperature hitting 23C! Today it has crawled back, 10C at the moment in the early afternoon. Typical British weather, I would say.

11/05/2020, Monday

Soup for the week: Celery and Stilton soup
Dish for the week: Pork and beans

No vavavoom today. Was supposed to run but couldn't even finish a third of a lap! Too cold (~10C), overly windy or not properly warmed up? Who knows? I did (almost) the whole routine instead.

12/05/2020, Tuesday

My body is not working with me this week, still feeling a bit lethargic. I finished the morning routine, took a bit longer than usual. Let's gather some strength for the afternoon!

Running: 2000 meters
Warming up properly definitely helps me run. Don't skip warm-up exercise again before running.

Iso-baking: cheese scones

14/05/2020, Thursday

Running: 3200 meters

Yes, my body is working with me now. The morning routine feels harder than the afternoon one, odd. But I just need to keep at it.

Iso-baking: crème fraîche scones (weekend breakfast is set!)

15/05/2020, Friday

Running: 3600 meters (a new record!)

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