Saturday 27 March 2021

I like - Charlotte Rampling

Charlotte Rampling is a fine actor who I admire. Her recent interview by the Guardian has completely taken me over. With brutal honesty and crystal clear understanding about herself, I feel the wisdom is just oozing out of the screen and splatters me all over. 

Here are a few parts which particularly resonate with me.

“Pinging is when you’re at the right place at the right time, and you know you can just make magic happen everywhere.” 

“When you think you’re riding on a good wave, you’re pretty sure the next one is going to be shite. We function through contrast.” What would life be like without the shite? “Really dull.”

“Because I am prickly. Dad so got it.” What did he mean? “Well, what do you think? If you say prickly, what do you think of?” Not somebody you would want to cuddle? “Exactly. Somebody who kept you away – keeps you away. You can approach, but you really need to know how.” Somebody who could hurt you? “Yes, of course. You have to be very wary with them. People who are prickly can’t be hurt any more. They’ve had it. So we just have to be prickly to make sure nobody’s going to come in and grab us.”

“Remember, I’m not only prickly, I’m distant. I only keep a distance so I can get as much understanding of the situation without being on top of it. And it works.” 

“You can see I’ve done quite a lot of work to get somewhere in a more or less OK state. There’s more meaning to things, there’s something more loving. Perhaps old prickly me is finally finding a few better things in herself. And once you love yourself a bit more, you can love others more. So it all works together.”

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