Saturday 6 March 2021

2021 weekly - week 9

28/02/2021, Sunday

This week's menu
Chicken and White Bean Tomato Stew (2nd time in a roll, yes, we love it)
Cod and Leek Bake
Green Beans
Buttered Spinach
Root Vegetable Soup with Rosemary and Lamb Stock

01/03/2021, Monday

I started to see what AndrĂ¡s Schiff meant about starting the day with Bach. It puts some order in the mind before work begins.

Today's exercise:
AM: FB Total Body 50 min

02/03/2021, Tuesday

Today's exercise:
AM: FB Lunges + Pilates 30 min

Time to fight! 

03/03/2021, Wednesday

Today's exercise:
AM: FB Lower Body 40 min 

04/03/2021, Thursday

Today's exercise:
AM: FB Total Body + Pilates 45 min 

I finished the whole FB program today. Well it's really good. The exercises are diverse and work on different part of the body each time. The sequence also makes sure that you don't over work on a particular part in a roll. Love it. Will do another one.

Thursday is the new Friday. 

05/03/2021, Friday

Today's exercise:
AM: FB Cardio + Abs 1hr 

Will be busy for two weeks. Have to put my FB exercises on hold.


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