Saturday 21 November 2020

2020 weekly - week 47 (35th week of confinement)

16/11/2020, Monday

My physio routine for the coming week.

Exercises today:

1. Morning routine
2. Noon at Park
3. Night routine

17/11/2020, Tuesday

I started my second term of French today and I was yawning the whole time. I know why because I have been bugged by a problem which I can't figure out but still it's embarrassing. I hope to improve my appearance next time. 

Exercises today:

1. Morning routine
2. Noon at Park

3. Night routine

18/11/2020, Wednesday

Exercises today:

1. Morning routine
2. Noon at Park
3. Night routine

I am restless if I don't have my park run. I guess it's a good sign. So far I have stuck to the routine I devised and no pain so far!

I think I have cracked the problem which has bothered me this week. Sometimes you have to examine the molecule at all angles possible. So happy! 

19/11/2020, Thursday

I am so stressed this week! Worked the whole day nonstop, in fact well into the night as well after dinner. Hope to be more normal next week.

Exercises today:

1. Morning routine
2. Noon at Park

3. Night routine

20/11/2020, Friday

Exercises today:

1. Morning routine
2. Noon at Park
3. Night routine

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