Saturday 7 November 2020

2020 weekly - week 45 (33rd week of confinement)

01/11/2020, Sunday

Hello, November. 

My physio goal for the next two months are two folds: no recurring pain and strengthening gluteus medius. I just need to remind myself. Listen, Me. Before fixing the fundamental issues, there is no point of pushing the running distance. So I've dialed down my running and focus more on the troubled part.

Here is my new physio routine going forward.


1. Warm-up (with weight): toe/heel walk 5 minutes + calf raise/heel drop 5 minutes
2. Single-leg calf raise (with weight): left/right 3 x 1 minute each side
3. Sit-stand exercise (red band): 3 x 20 reps (watch out knees not caving in and with hip slightly above the knees when sitting)
4. Lateral Band walk: 3 x 15 steps each side (red band above the knees)
5. Monster Band walk: 3 x 15 steps each side (yellow band at the ankles), "Maintain the squat and step diagonally forward as if walking, and then walk backward toward the starting position"
6. Single leg squat: 3 x 6 reps each side (this is my weakest part)
    the right leg needs support when doing this exercise. the goal is to do it without support
    the left leg does not need support. the goal is to increase the reps.
7. Sideway leg lift; 3 x 10 reps each side (body weight only)
8. Runner's arabesque: 3 x 10 reps each side (body weight only)
    "standing knee slightly bend with tailbone back so that you hinge at the hip with flat back. Squeeze 
the buttocks
during transition."
9. Stretch

Noon at Park:

1. Warm-up:
    Squats: 4 x 20 reps
    Static lunges: 4 x 10 reps each side
    Reverse lunges: 4 x 10 reps each side
2. Running: 4400 meters with 2 segments of 2000 meters
3. Push ups, single leg squats, arabesque, time/weather permitting
4. Stretch


1. Face-up lying leg raise (body weight): 3 x 15 reps each side
2. Side-lying leg raise (with ankle weight): 3 x 15 reps each side (raised leg toes forwards and leg extending slightly back)
3. Clamshell (with red band): 3 x 20 reps each side
4. Stretch

02/11/2020, Monday

Exercises today:

1. Morning routine

2. Noon at Park

3. Night routine

I am pretty pleased with the new routines. I get sweaty afterwards, my glute med feels sore but no pains (knock-on-wood). Let's try to work on this glute med!

03/11/2020, Tuesday

Exercises today:

1. Morning routine

2. Noon at Park

3. Night routine

Now I wake up feeling a bit sore at the rear end. I guess it may mean I actually got my glute med to work!

04/11/2020, Wednesday

Exercises today:

1. Morning routine

2. Noon at Park

3. Night routine

Last day before 2nd lockdown. I chose to take a long walk instead of my usual park run with a sunny (but cold) weather like this.

05/11/2020, Thursday

Exercises today:

1. Morning routine

2. Noon at Park

3. Night routine

I've never worked so much (and had so many problems!) on my legs. I hope I can see the light of the tunnel soon.


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