Saturday 4 July 2020

2020 weekly - week 27 (15th week of confinement)

27/06/2020, Sunday

My physio morning and afternoon routines for the coming week.

Good news, starting from last Friday, I have been able to walk down stairs 95% normally! It's taken me almost 7 months to do so, one foot per step. Still a bit stiff but I can pretend that I can finally descend normally. Small (perhaps nothing to you) achievement but I am beyond happy. To see that my body still responds to physio, that reassures me.

01/07/2020, Wednesday

July is here, can you believe it? I've spent most of 2020 at home so far. Not so bad, if I am being honest. More productive with work and more efficient in time usage.

Total running distance: 4000 meters
Longest non-stopping distance: 1200 meters

02/07/2020, Thursday

One more meeting tomorrow and my week shall be done!

03/07/2020, Friday

Total running distance: 4000 meters
Longest non-stopping distance: 800 meters

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