Saturday 11 July 2020

2020 weekly - week 28 (16th week of confinement)

05/07/2020, Sunday

My physio morning and afternoon routines for the coming week.

Pubs and restaurants are allowed to open starting yesterday. Also, after three weeks of enforcing a long list of quarantine countries due to oversea travel (most if not all are doing much better than UK), the UK gov is opening up suddenly. Now those countries do not require self quarantine. Three weeks really make the difference, right? This gov continues to amaze me in its whimsical fashion handling COVID-19, except this is no laughing matter.

06/07/2020, Monday

Must be Monday Magic.

Total running distance: 4400 meters
Longest non-stopping distance: 2000 meters (new record!)

Blackberry jam. I have misunderstood you all my life! The only two memories I had with blackberries are that they smell lovely in the summer heat in the wild but they don't taste much when you pop them fresh in the mouth. 

But jamming of blackberries is a whole different experience. First, those dark jewels smell just like walking in the countryside on a hot summer day when I mash them gently at the end the sugar maceration stage. They are fruity, sweet, a little bit floral with a background note of woody. When they are gently heated on the stove to dissolve the sugar completely, they come to alive. Aromatic enough to make my smell-blind hubby pop in asking me what I was doing, and definitely more fragrant than I've ever expected them to be. Blackberries have more subtle smell than it's more flamboyant cousins. It reminds of a ripe orchard full of delicious smells but I can't figure out which one is which. 

So that's why I am now properly smitten by this pot of glistening black gold, made from 300 g of blackberries, 200 g of sugar and some lemon juice. Tastes like summer condensed in a jar and can be enjoyed in the cool shades.

09/07/2020, Thursday

Total running distance: 4400 meters
Longest non-stopping distance: 2800 meters (new record!)

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