Saturday 25 July 2020

2020 weekly - week 30 (18th week of confinement)

19/07/2020, Sunday

My physio morning and afternoon routines for the coming week.

I've reduced to three days per week for the afternoon exercise, but still doing the morning routine every weekday.
Found a mouse-like creature in the back garden. Seems injured as it's not moving much. Hubby moved it to a place with shades hoping that it would recover better. :-(

20/07/2020, Monday

One of my dental implants seems to have come loose. The gum is swelling and painful. The crown feels loose when touched by finger. So I've made an appointment to see my dentist tomorrow. 

It's not the first time I wonder about this but does feel like my body is having a go at me starting from the ankle injury. Big or small things keep popping up. And I only wrote a fraction of them here. It has made me realize how lucky I was before, health wise. I will continue to fight and get my health back again. 
Another Monday Magic!

Total running distance: 4800 meters (new record!)
Longest non-stopping distance: 2800 meters (new record!)

21/07/2020, Tuesday

Feeling frustrated after the dentist's visit. Problems identified and temporarily treated. But the underlying cause is worrying. To be monitored in 3-month's time. 

What's wrong with my body? 

22/07/2020, Wednesday

The every fortnight afternoon meeting has become quite therapeutic for me. These people from the other side of the continent are just about my favorite people to work with. They are competent, smart, scientifically curious, friendly and not judgmental. What more can I ask for? Cheers.

Total running distance: 4400 meters 
Longest non-stopping distance: 2400 meters

24/07/2020, Friday

Mask-must starting today in England. Better late than never, I suppose. 

Total running distance: 4400 meters 
Longest non-stopping distance: 2400 meters

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