Saturday 27 June 2020

2020 weekly - week 26 (14th week of confinement)

21/06/2020, Sunday

My physio morning and afternoon routines for the coming week.

My right hip joint pain is almost gone. Good news. I went out without my keys. Bad move. The age is catching up with me.

Picnic at home, summer solstice 2020.

22/06/2020, Monday

A week of 25+ centigrade is waiting ahead. Sweating!

I surprised myself by having a rather a good run at the park today. It's warm but breezy, plus today is the first day of the exercise week.

Running: 4400 meters
Longest non-stopping distance: 800 meters


Crazy week before the main meetings. And yes, it's 28C inside at the moment.

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