Sunday 21 June 2020

I make - Gluten-Free Buckwheat Sandwich Bread 2.0

The main difference between this version and the previous one is the addition of yogurt and the extra soaking step. Soaking wholegrain makes it more digestible. I quite like the result, both texture and taste. Buckwheat gives it a very nice smell. I've become a fan. The bread has a light crumb and toasts beautifully. 

Buckwheat sandwich bread 2.0

Wet mixture
100 g yogurt
300 g water
15 g honey (or sugar) (a scant tablespoon, 5% of the flour)

Dry mixture
200 g buckwheat flour
100 g gluten-free flour blend (or cornstarch/tapioca/buckwheat)
1.5 tsp fast-action yeast
10 g psyllium husk powder (2 tbsp for me, 3.3% of the main flour)
6 g salt (2% of the flour)
15 g Whey protein powder or 1 round tbsp soy flour (5% of the main flour)
10 g chia seeds (1 tbsp for me)
10 g ground linseeds (1.5 tbsp for me)
1 beaten egg or 2 egg whites whipped (see instruction)
45 g mixed seeds/nuts (3 tablespoons, optional)
15 g butter or oil at room temperature (5% of the main flour)
Porridge oats to scatter the top

Combine yogurt, water, buckwheat and gluten-free flours in a large bowl. Mix well and let the mixture sit for 6-12 hours. Soaking makes wholegrain flour more digestible and hydrates the flours properly. If pressed by time, this step can be skipped. 

Grease and line a sandwich loaf tin.

Into the flour soaking bowl, stir in honey/sugar and sprinkle in yeast. Stir to combine and let it sit for 10 minutes.

Add all the following ingredients into the flour bowl, psyllium husk powder, salt, whey protein/soy flour, chia seeds, linseeds and 1 egg or 2 egg whites. Egg white gives the best lift to the bread after it's baked, although 1 whole egg is pretty good too. If using egg white, beat in a separate bowl just before soft peak is formed and then add to the flour mixture. Thoroughly mix the dough with a wooden spoon or an electric mixer. Stir in the seed/nut mix and butter/oil until no more butter traces can be seen. The dough looks rather like a very thick batter which is normal.

Pour the batter into the prepared tin. Scatter some porridge oats on top. Let the batter rise in a warm environment until the volume has doubled (45-60 minutes). Preheat the oven at 200C.

Spray water (or thin mist of oil) thoroughly the surface of the risen dough and bake at 200C for 55-60 minutes. After 40 minutes, cover the the bread with a piece of tin foil to prevent overbrowning.

My sandwich tin gives me 16 1-cm slices, each slice has 113 kcal.

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