Saturday 13 June 2020

2020 weekly - week 24 (12th week of confinement)

07/06/2020, Sunday

My ankle circumference seems to reach a steady state right now as the measurements have not changed for a month or so. I also feel my physio routines have been maximised enough for my recovery. Therefore, I will not repeat the same measurements or routines again here. I will just refer back to the last week of May. 

My physio morning and afternoon routines for the coming week.

I finished Killing Eve Season 3 two days ago. I think the portray of Villanelle is just remarkable. It's not just the character but the clothes, the eyes, every inch of her body move. Totally bewitching to see. Story line, on the other hand, does not feel it's getting better and better with the character Villanelle. The stories are still good or at least entertaining but without Jodie Comer's acting running through, I am afraid my attention span would not have lasted that long.

Season 3 also feels like a personal quest for Villanelle, a self exploration journey. She stops being a killing machine (for a moment) and starts to ponder what else is there for her. Even psychopaths do that. Imagine that!

08/06/2020, Monday

Running: 4000 meters

Ever since I saw the sight of gluten-free puff pastry, I have always wanted to try it. So I made a family-size sausage roll on Sunday and the GF puff pastry did not disappoint! The dough seems easier to work with than the conventional one which gets sticky very quickly. The GF version does not and to my surprise it does not tear either (under normal working condition). And the best is the taste! For whatever reason, I managed to make a sausage roll whose crust tastes more flavorful than the filling (sausage meat with browned onions and mushrooms). No Matter. We had a nice meal and good impression with Jus-rol GF puff pastry.

12/06/2020, Friday

Running: 4000 meters

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