Friday 4 May 2012

C'est la vie

I don't know about you but I consciously divide my professional work into three categories:

Work I am paid to do (daily grind)
Work I like to do (life savior)
Work I wait until the last minute to do (we all have a few baddies, no?)

Not surprisingly I follow my own unspoken 40-60 rule at the work place; 40% of the working time on daily grind and 60% on life savior. This is the balance which works for my sanity and my house (and for my employer too).

So it's a bit embarrassing to admit that I actually quite enjoy what I am paid to do recently. My 40-60 rule has gone out of the window for the time being. Now it's almost entirely daily grind and what a lovely one. What's happening? I am not sure. Maybe it's some mystical celestial power from my birthday month. Who knows?

I shall enjoy this time as long as it lasts.

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