Tuesday 20 December 2011

Three important things: 2011 reflections

Consult not your fears but your hopes and your dreams. 

Think not about your frustrations, but about your unfulfilled potential. 

Concern yourself not with what you tried and failed in, 
but with what it is still possible for you to do.

Pope John XXIII

How should I describe my 2011 and where should I begin? I think I can sum my 2011 as a very slow first half followed by a very hectic second half. Starting from June, I have had a few months high on hopes and euphoria but alas my wish did not come through. It did not materialise in the end because something under neither of our control took over, loudly and harshly. And that sealed my fate. If that's not called a bad timing (or bad luck?!), then I don't know what it is. I know that we both felt like a perfect match for each other. Calling it a kindred spirit would not be an over statement. Yes, that's how close fit we feel about both parties. Of course I was apologised over profusely, several times, over an extended period, open and in private. I am not angry about this, nor disappointed. Of course I allow myself to vent the emotions, but once it's gone, I pack up and move on. Anger is a waste of energy and time. We all have our lives to get on. I am sure that they have tried their best.

Time to move on.

Just when this event drew to an end, good news kept flowing from other directions. Having my work being praised and confirmed, and seeing my contributions being relied upon and my opinions being sought, this reassured me professionally and mentally. Although it is not the first time to witness this, it's the frequency during the last two months of 2011 that surprised me just a bit. Nevertheless, this small achievement of mine did leave a bitter-sweet after-taste in my mouth.

Overall, I have felt that I have gained much more than I set out at the beginning of this year. Particularly on the personal growth front, I am glad that I made the decision to walk through some thorny patches of life. This made me think hard about myself and realize what I am capable of. I am also very fortunate to experience human kindness from the known and the unfamiliar, directly administered on me. This has greatly motivated and prepared me for the onward journey. This post is dedicated to you, who happened or chose to accompany me at times when seemed unsurmountable. I don't know how I could continue without all of your support.

I don't know what may come in 2012. I am not worried. I know I am now mentally stronger than ever before and I can handle surprises, good or bad, in a constructive way. Life is a journey which we all have to make on our own. I am just pleased to find interesting travellers along the way. Thank you for coming along.

I wish you a warm, contented and serene December. If you don't come back before the Big Ben bang, a productive 2012 too.


  1. Dear May,

    I wish you a full-of-action, safe and happy 2012.

    Thanks for leaving me a comment!
