Thursday 1 December 2011

2011 Fitness Achievement

Together with hubby, we joined the gym in April 2010. Since we both need some exercise to maintain the weight, we may as well as exercise buddies to each other. I have to say that having a gym buddy is a great way to push yourself (of course, it also makes the occasional escape-together quite guiltless). I know I can't and don't want to exercise to lose weight. As long as I maintain my weight and still can enjoy what I like to eat, I am happy.

Here is what I did on the last day of the gym for 2011.

Treadmill - 2.85 miles @ 40 minutes

Sit-ups - 3 x 20

Upper back - 4 x 10 @ 10kg

Chest press - 4 x 10 @ 10 kg

Vertical traction -  2 x 10 @ 17.5kg + 2 x 10 @ 20 kg

Leg curl - 4 x 5 @ 10 kg

Leg extension - 4 x 5 @ 10 kg

I actually feel quite proud of myself that I am able to keep it going for so long. For a person who avoids exercise like plague, it's rather remarkable. I like to see this as a small achievement of mine, something I stick to and improves (albeit slowly). I look forward to 2012, to pick up my routine and to extend further.

You did good, Calla.

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