Sunday 21 November 2010

Personal finance

Money is such a pain, isn't it? You can't live without it but it's such a hassle to manage it.

For a long time, the only way I knew to save money was to put it away in fixed terms so that it could bring higher interest. Very safe, yes, but may not be the most effective way to make money work for you.

Then we bought a house in 2002. It's probably the best investment I have ever made, thanks to the property market boom. I see the potential of property investment but this is not something I could afford doing regularly. It needs a large sum of deposit to start with and a long-term prospect and commitment to see it through. What are the alternatives?

Investment online.

I opened a trading account today. I plan to try it out with a fixed amount of money to see what/how much it brings.

Watch this space?!

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