Monday 22 November 2010

I like - Annie Lennox

Isn't she just mesmerizing and beyond words?

I came to know her rather late, in my early 20s. I have to thank my boyfriend (now my husband) for introducing her to me. I was hooked before finishing the end of the first song I listened, Sweet Dreams.

After that, she has been the one for me.

I once saw her singing on a small stage with just a piano on the side. I suddenly realize what a great singer is. A real music artist does not need of flashy outfits, complicated dance moves, background singers and lights that blind your eyes, in order to signal his/her presence. As soon as the first sound out of Annie's mouth, you are no longer in control of your thoughts. Annie takes over, like hypnosis. She dictates where your mind goes and how you feel. You will be completely under the spell of her voice. You try to follow her sound so closely as if you are afraid losing your way in a big forest. When she finishes her last word of a song, you are suddenly snapped out of the altered conscious state. I can almost hear a sigh inside, realizing that it's just a dream, that I was with her on a journey of bewilderment and amazement and now it's all over. She has vanished without a trace.

That's how I feel about her.

Annie Lennox - Why?

Annie Lennox - Don't let it bring you down

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