Tuesday 30 November 2010

Cold and dark winter time

I live in a place which is renowned for its rain, grey clouds and unpredictable weather. I love this country. Don't get me wrong. It has made many things possible for me and I am very fond of its people, culture and what it stands for. One thing that bugs me a little is the fact that, for unknown reasons, this country has no public holidays starting from the end of August and all the way until Christmas in December. That's 114 days of continuous working with extra breaks in between, just to make the long dark nights a tad more painful to go through.

September is fine as most people would just finish their summer holidays. Still full of post-holiday glow and energy. It's not so bad.

In October, you start to feel a bit, how should I put it, unwell? You are not sure what is going wrong but you feel less energetic and motivated. You will still try to pull yourself up by forcing yourself to focus on the positives, the big picture. Occasional self helping sessions do get you through the darker and colder October days.

November is the hardest, at least for me. All your positive energy has been used up and still have one long month of bleak and chilly nights to go through. Your thoughts start to drift to the less sunny side, contemplating lots of what-ifs, should-haves and would-haves. You start to question things you normally don't think about and certainly have lots of conversation with yourself deep at nights demanding answers on why not everything turns out as planned and expected. You start to lose the big picture and are lost in details.

I didn't realize how much consolation music has brought me. I listen to music a lot more frequently in November nights. Annie Lennox and Natalie Merchant are two favorites at the moment. Like talking to old friends, their voices soothe me instantly. Life is not that bad, after all.

This year is rather eventful for me, career wise. Those events may not lead to something I had hoped but I did discover how dearly I am loved by people around me. "Friends" whom I may not have had contact for a long time all said yes immediately when I had to ask for help this year. Who am I to receive such a generosity from you all over the world? I am truly grateful and humble to know that I can call you my friends.

And not just friends I met from school/work, there are also people whom I met over the internet. Some of you  I have also met in real life. A lot of you continue to be a source of comfort and inspiration for me. My world has enriched to another dimension after knowing you. Some of you even showered me with your kindness when we met. I was truly touched by this warm gesture. I hope I could do something equal in return. Please do stop by this temperamental country.

Yes, the nights are still dark, long and cold, but I feel I am tightly covered by a blanket with patchworks generously offered by people I know.

I am so in debt, with love.

Monday 29 November 2010

Seafood chilli spicy sauce

This is based on a recipe from Epicurious with extra ingredients added to get the flavor I like. Excellent with fried seafood (panko-coated shrimps or fish, for instance). Tested with friends and hubby. All like it.

My seafood chilli spicy sauce

1/2 cup plain yogurt
3 tablespoons mayonnaise
1 tablespoon sweet garlic-chili sauce
1/2 teaspoon mustard powder
1/4 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
2 tablespoons minced fresh dill or 2 teaspoons dried dillweed (to taste)
1 tablespoon minced fresh parsley
1 tablespoon minced green onion
1 tablespoon drained capers
2 tablespoon prepared horseradish sauce (I use Colman's)
salt and pepper to taste

In a small bowl, mix all ingredients. Keep the mixture in the refrigerator for at least a couple of hours to let the flavor amalgamate and develop.

We like the best to dip our fried seafood in this sauce, although the original recipe did mention other dippers such as raw vegetables or corn chips. We even tried the dip with fried pork cutlets. YUM!

Saturday 27 November 2010

Dîner chez moi - 20-26 November

    Saturday: Paella and garlic flavored green beans
      Sunday: Milan Minestrone soup and hot baguette sandwich
     Monday: Paella, baked Basa and young broccoli florets
     Tuesday: Milan Minestrone soup and grilled cheese sandwich
Wednesday: Meatballs and pasta with creamy mushroom sauce,
                     sautéed baby spinach
    Thursday: Leftover from Weds, as it's a gym day and I was too tired to cook.
        Friday: Ham, gherkins, cheese, bread for hubby; instant noodles with
                     vegetables for me. Boiled green beans for both of us.

Purely record keeping to see any patterns. :-)

Wednesday 24 November 2010

I like - Phantom of the Opera

The first time I knew about Andrew Lloyd Webber was his musical on Phantom of the Opera. I was in complete perplexity when I heard the music first time. I was like, what is this? How can it sound like classical but with lots of digital keyboards, electric guitars and rock-n-roll drum beats? The music is absolutely wonderful. Rich, exuberant and yet terrifying at times, dramatic this second and turning somber next. Just one sound and you know what's coming on stage. The whole show is a theatrical wonder. The eye-catching and ever-changing costumes, stage design and special effects are enough to have audience full attention from start to finish.

What I like more is the fact that underneath this gorgeous and lavishly composed music, chandelier crashing down from the opera house dome ceiling and an intricate underground waterway labyrinth, lies a very simple story.

It's a story about love.

It starts rather complicatedly as it's a triangle relationship. A young, beautiful and talented soprano (Christine), a dashing gentry (Raoul) who is enamored with Christine, and the shadowy figure (Phantom) with half of his face burnt so badly that he has to wear a mask and who has been secretly coaching his star in his heart, Christine. All these years feeling misunderstood and shunned by the people overground, Phantom finally found someone who sees beyond his burnt face and cherishes his musical talent. Beneath the emotionless mask lies a tender heart, yearning for love. And he also falls in love with Christine, helplessly.

The secret betrothal between Christine and Raoul has enraged Phantom. Feeling betrayed, Phantom kidnaps Christine to his underground hide-out. Raoul follows suit but gets trapped by the device set up by Phantom. Phantom threatens to kill Raoul if Christine tries to escape.

It's not who you are underneath, but what you *do* that defines you.---Batman Begins

Eventually he lets Raoul go, both Christine and Raoul. Phantom has learned how to love a person, the way that Christine has shown him, that true love is unconditional.

It's great to be given unconditional love. It's sublime if you can give it back.

Learn to be lonely


ps. This is something I have wanted to write for a long time. I know that no matter how much time I spend writing and polishing this piece, there is no way I could describe fully how moved I am about the story and do justice to the depth of Gaston Leroux had intended. Therefore, this is simply a document to remind me of what I feel about this magnificent combination of music and novel.

Tuesday 23 November 2010

About cooking

I started cooking for myself (and for surviving) when I went to graduate school. Away from home and faced with so many unknown ingredients, the first few months cooking alone and on my own were not a pretty sight. Burned pots, spillage here and there, items either overcooked or undercooked, never just right. It didn't take me a long time before I went to get myself a recipe book about one-pot cooking, soups and stews.

I like the idea of stews and soups a lot, even way before I knew how to cook a proper one. It brings me such a pleasure to see different ingredients sit snugly in a pot, with liquid, simmering away on a stove. When all individual flavors have all come together in harmony and your kitchen permeates with a comforting smell, it's time to enjoy. Unlike baking, you don't have to very precise about the recipes, as most ingredients are interchangeable, depending on the availability, preference and the mood at the time. The real hard work is to wait patiently while the alchemy takes place, in its own time.

As a working woman, stews and soups are great time savers. They are something you could easily and relaxedly prepare, say, in one weekend afternoon. The final product can rest quietly in the fridge until called upon. The time you spend preparing and cooking them guarantees to bring you a lot more rewards in return, as their flavor develops and deepens steadily with time. On any weekday evening after a long hard day of work, dinner can be ready in 20 minutes. Once you take the first spoonful of the humble medley, you realize that stew and soup are like two generous friends. They ask little in return and never let you down.

Monday 22 November 2010

I like - Annie Lennox

Isn't she just mesmerizing and beyond words?

I came to know her rather late, in my early 20s. I have to thank my boyfriend (now my husband) for introducing her to me. I was hooked before finishing the end of the first song I listened, Sweet Dreams.

After that, she has been the one for me.

I once saw her singing on a small stage with just a piano on the side. I suddenly realize what a great singer is. A real music artist does not need of flashy outfits, complicated dance moves, background singers and lights that blind your eyes, in order to signal his/her presence. As soon as the first sound out of Annie's mouth, you are no longer in control of your thoughts. Annie takes over, like hypnosis. She dictates where your mind goes and how you feel. You will be completely under the spell of her voice. You try to follow her sound so closely as if you are afraid losing your way in a big forest. When she finishes her last word of a song, you are suddenly snapped out of the altered conscious state. I can almost hear a sigh inside, realizing that it's just a dream, that I was with her on a journey of bewilderment and amazement and now it's all over. She has vanished without a trace.

That's how I feel about her.

Annie Lennox - Why?

Annie Lennox - Don't let it bring you down

Sunday 21 November 2010

Personal finance

Money is such a pain, isn't it? You can't live without it but it's such a hassle to manage it.

For a long time, the only way I knew to save money was to put it away in fixed terms so that it could bring higher interest. Very safe, yes, but may not be the most effective way to make money work for you.

Then we bought a house in 2002. It's probably the best investment I have ever made, thanks to the property market boom. I see the potential of property investment but this is not something I could afford doing regularly. It needs a large sum of deposit to start with and a long-term prospect and commitment to see it through. What are the alternatives?

Investment online.

I opened a trading account today. I plan to try it out with a fixed amount of money to see what/how much it brings.

Watch this space?!

Saturday 20 November 2010

Winter delights

It never fails to amaze me how such little things in life can make me feel happy.

I like a warm shower in a cold winter morning. When the gentle heat starts to permeate from my skin to the bones, toes to the head, a smile like a little flower bud starts to bloom and transforms my face and my mind. After that, generously slather on a layer of creamy ginger body cream. I like its subtle but steady warmth provided by ginger and its earthy and calming smell reassuringly lingers on.

After that, what can be better than eating a bowl of warm bread pudding which has soaked up all the gorgeous flavors of vanilla, butter and sugar? When spooning it open, this serenely sweet smell from my kitchen concoction swarms upon me. You know you have been rewarded.

And I always need a coffee in the morning to wake up fully. Black during work days but always with milk during weekends to ease off its distinct bitterness and harshness. No rush, no clock, sipping it at my own speed and with Bocelli singing by my side, pure morning bliss.

What's even better is to know that I still have the whole afternoon and evening, free.

Have a good weekend, everyone.


朱自清 《背影》








Who am I ?

I must be heading for the so-called "mid-life" crisis.

I have been trying my luck in the job market this year. Interviews, yes, but job offers, no luck. It almost embarrasses me to say that I have been working for this ghastly place (i.e. my company) for 9 years. Job interview is quite a revealing process for one self. Before the actual interview, you try to prepare a nice CV which summarizes all achievements. That's when you see whether you have been a slacker professionally or not. During the interview, you try to sell yourself the best you can (but remain factual) and you get to know what's expected of you professionally at this level seniority. So, Ms Scientist, I can see that you have some publications. That's nice. What about patents? Uhm...

I realize how much I dislike this ghastly place this year. In my life, everything except this ghastly place is what I would have liked. I am happily married to a loving and caring man. I have a great family behind me. I am living in this town which is desired by many. I am able to travel a few times a year to see places I like and get paid by this ghastly place. Financially I am doing all right. Being able to hold on to a job these days is considered as lucky, right? And I actually enjoy what I do professionally. So what's the problem?

I am not sure that I want to continue doing the same thing for the next 10 years of my life. If not this, then what?

I am very conscious that I may be at my peak of intellectual ability right now. I have a pessimistic view that my professional ability can only go down now (at this age, can anything go up? Oh yes, my weight). I am also very acutely aware of my, yes, biological clock. I am at a age which considered as a high-risk pregnancy group. Should I or shouldn't I? I know that the decision of procreation will change my/our life, permanently. For better or for worse?

That's why I think I am heading for a mid-life crisis. A fork in life, everything unsure and the mother nature is dragging me to another place I don't know. During this time of uncertainty, some buy flashy sports cars. Some have affairs. And I started a blog. So here it is. I am a just another 30 something and still growing (old) person. Thank you for stopping by.

Friday 19 November 2010

