Saturday 17 July 2021

2021 weekly - week 28

11/07/2021, Sunday

Euro Final, England vs Italy, on home turf. I am not a football fan but I am curious.

This week's menu

Garlic Chicken Mushroom and Roasted Potatoes
Gilled Sausages and Lentils
Wild Mushroom Soup

12/07/2021, Monday

Today's exercise:
AM: FB HIIT + Strength + Lower Body 65 min


13/07/2021, Tuesday

Today's exercise:
AM: FB Strength + Upper Body 50 min

Very busy.

14/07/2021, Wednesday

Today's exercise:
AM: FB Cardio Recovery 35 min 

Wow, someone senior praised my work today in an email to my direct boss!! It made my day! You know, this is the first work place where I feel that people want me to succeed. I am so lucky.

15/07/2021, Thursday

Today's exercise:
AM: FB HIIT + Abs 40 min 

16/07/2021, Friday

Today's exercise:
AM: FB HITT + Abs 60 min

Well, I finished the work without exercising but my body felt a need of a small break. I've had a great week at work. Hello Weekend!

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