Saturday 15 May 2021

2021 weekly - week 19

08/05/2021, Sunday

Mini victory: I finally got my KitchenAid micro processor to work! The first two attempts were a complete failure. First I couldn't figure out how to remove the lid and then failed to get the whole thing to run. Today, I thought I would give it another go before I bin the whole thing. And voila! Here it goes. The manual is very bad, not helpful at all. I relied on youtube videos to figure out how to remove the lid but couldn't figure out how to get it to run. The trick is that the base/bowl has to be locked. For a first timer, it's really tricky to figure out.

This week's menu

Lamb steak, tomato pea stew and rice
Chicken and Red Pesto Stew
Roast cod with Pesto Topping
Cauliflower and Tomato Soup

09/05/2021, Monday

Today's exercise:
AM: FB HIIT + Strength Upper Body 50 min

Having abdominal pain (upper lower left). It started on Saturday night but mild. On Sunday I was suspicious of anything (because it was so mild) so I finished my chocolate sauce (choc melted in cream) tonight, no more than 3 tbsps. The belly felt bloated on Sunday night and it became full blown pain on Monday. It made me feel tired and gave me a slight fever. Let's hope that tomorrow I was accepted for my 2nd Covid jab.

10/05/2021, Tuesday

Abdominal pain has largely eased. I felt relieved. The belly still feels tender but no more pain. Continue to live on bananas and boiled eggs.

Got my 2nd jab, same supplier. 

Explained my abdominal pain to my dietitian today during the phone consultation. In addition to lactose issues, she suspected mineral deficiency (which requires a blood test) or trapped wind. It's the first time that I got abdominal pain after eating. So unlikely to be eating habit (eating too quickly causes trapped wind)? I don't know. I used to love food so much but now I am scared of them.

11/05/2021, Wednesday

Today's exercise:
AM: FB HIIT + Strength Upper Body 50 min 

Interviewing my own replacement today. Well, good luck.

12/05/2021, Thursday

Today's exercise:
AM: FB HIIT + Abs 40 min 

Slowly recovering from my abdominal issues. Seems to get full more quickly now. I try to eat less, more slowly and not too much dairy. I googled IBS. It's not good if that's what I have. It's such a restrictive diet that would change my life completely. Let's hope not.

13/05/2021, Friday

Today's exercise:
AM: FB HITT + Abs 60 min

Just got off an online meeting with my future colleagues. During the conversation, one said "The idea is to have top of the line software and to have everyone well provided". Wow, what a difference between my current and future employer.

So glad I made the decision to get out of here.


  1. yayyyy its working! Hopefully the stomach problem resolves after the job change! many kisses and greetings

  2. My stomach (knock-on-wood) seems back to normal. You are right. It could be work related stress. In fact I have no doubt that some of my illnesses are related to that. Well, time to move on for sure. Kisses and hugs to you too!
