Saturday 8 May 2021

2021 weekly - week 18

01/05/2021, Saturday

I told my friend C about my new job. It feels so good to finally talk to someone about it. The first person outside my professional network (and only a handful on the need to know basis) to know about my new job was my dentist. How sad was that?! Anyway, C is the first one from my friend circle to know about it. We chatted a little today. My feeling towards C has changed and flip-flopped over the years. I don't know whether she's my best friend or not but we talk the most for sure. I suppose, in a way, that makes her my best friend. She has been proactive reaching out to me and I feel guilty that I don't reach out to her as much as she does to me. After 20 years, perhaps it says something about our relationship.

I am glad you are with me on this journey, C.

02/05/2021, Sunday

This week's menu

Roast Pork Shoulder with Lentils
Salmon teriyaki with Rice
Green Beans and Tomatoes
Cauliflower and Tomato Basil Soup

03/05/2021, Monday (May Bank Holiday)

No second time with Specsavers. Today, they almost made me book yet another appointment just to discuss lenses. Dealing with them takes lots of time and the whole process is designed to eliminate second contact once they get you paid. Well, once I get my new glasses, that shall my first and last dealing with them.

04/05/2021, Tuesday

Today's exercise:
AM: FB Cardio + Upper Body 30 min

Just when I was feeling pretty lousy with work and its people, I got an email from my future boss to ask how I am and whether I need an informal chat to prepare my arrival. 


What a big contrast, my current boss simply shutting down (and communicating via HR with me) and I am getting no answers for things I've asked. On the other hand, my future boss reached out naturally in advance, just checking in. 

I am just sad that things are like that. 

05/05/2021, Wednesday

Today's exercise:
AM: FB HIIT + Strength Upper Body 50 min 

Last round of project meetings done. Didn't have anything to show but perhaps that's the best.

06/05/2021, Thursday

Today's exercise:
AM: FB HIIT + Abs 40 min 

Made a banana bread using my trusted recipe. Still the best.

I got back in touch with an ex advisor/friend of mine. I'd forgotten about him completely until his name popped into my Inbox Twice lately (all work related). The first time I thought it was coincidence and the circumstance was such that it wasn't appropriate to contact him. When his name showed up the second time, I was sure that he was trying to re-establish contact. So I emailed him directly. And we've had a few exchanges since. It was really lovely to be in touch again. Thanks to the pandemic (or my pending new adventure?), this year I've re-found my old contacts. I feel this year is going to get better and better.

07/05/2021, Friday

Today's exercise:
AM: FB Stretch 30min

Our first Ikea delivery ever! So excited.

Hello Weekend!

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