Saturday 4 April 2020

2020 weekly - week 14 (2nd week of confinement)

29/03/2020, Sunday

Ankle circumference (tape going on top of tibia/fibula pointed parts):
left widest: 22.5cm
right widest: 24.5cm

Morning or maintenance routine (this is my old routine):

0. Warm up by raising up both heels and slowly coming down
1. Alternating toe and heel walk: 10 minutes
2. Heel walk: 4 minutes
3. Single leg stance: 5 minutes
4. Alfredson Protocol: 15 reps x 3 on the right leg; 15 reps x 3 on the left leg
4b. Single leg calf raise: 1 minute x 3 on the right leg; 1 minute x 3 on the left leg
5. Dorsiflexion stretch on a step: 4 minutes
6. Ankle four ways with resistance band

Afternoon routine (this is for the new exercises):

0. Warm up: squat down and heel raise 3x10, inchworm 10-20 reps
1. Stationary lunges, forward/backward: 2 minutes
1b. Walking lunges: 6 minutes
2. Jogging on the spot: 2 minutes
2b. Knee-high jump: (45-sec on + 15-sec off)x4
3. Stationary side lunges: 2 minutes
3b. Moving side lunges: 4 minutes
4. Single leg calf raise with a dumbbell on a stepper: right leg 3 minutes + left leg 3 minutes
5. Jumping squats: 5 jumps x 3
6. Balance on a wobble board (not yet)
7. Leg press machine (not yet)

31/03/2020, Tuesday

Just realize one thing about insisting not using gluten-free flour mix. I will end up eating ground almond all day long, breakfast, dinner and dessert. After going through almost a kilo of ground almond in the form of blondies, cakes, crackers and pizzas, I conceded that I need gluten-free flour mix. Although some of the baked goods taste good, you taste ground almond predominantly. It can be too much even for an almond lover like me. So the search and the experiment of gluten-free flour mix begins!

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