Saturday 11 April 2020

2020 weekly - week 15 (3rd week of confinement)

05/04/2020, Sunday

Ankle circumference (tape going on top of tibia/fibula pointed parts):
left widest: 22.5cm
right widest: 24.5cm

Morning or maintenance routine (this is my old routine):

0. Warm up by raising up both heels and slowly coming down
1. Alternating toe and heel walk: 10 minutes
2. Heel walk: 4 minutes
3. Single leg stance: 5 minutes
4. Alfredson Protocol: 15 reps x 3 on the right leg; 15 reps x 3 on the left leg
4b. Single leg calf raise: 1 minute x 3 on the right leg; 1 minute x 3 on the left leg
5. Dorsiflexion stretch on a step: 4 minutes
6. Ankle four ways with resistance band

Afternoon routine (this is for the new exercises):

0. Warm up: squat down and heel raise 8x10, inchworm 10-20 reps
1. Stationary lunges, forward/backward: 2 minutes
1b. Walking lunges: 6 minutes
2. Jogging on the spot: 2 minutes
2b. Knee-high jump: (45-sec on + 15-sec off)x4
3. Stationary side lunges: 2 minutes
3b. Moving side lunges: 4 minutes
4. Single leg calf raise with a dumbbell on a stepper: right leg 3 minutes + left leg 3 minutes
5. Jumping squats: 5 jumps x 3
6. Balance on a wobble board (not yet)
7. Leg press machine (not yet)
8. Standing crunches: 20x3

06/04/2020, Monday

It looks like a week of glorious sunshine ahead of us but I will choose to be a responsible citizen by staying at home for the pandemic. #StayHomeSaveLives

We've had soups for lunch lately, after the exercise. It's a nice and not so heavy option for a mid-day meal, also eminently adaptable.

The formula I have is as follows:

1. Make a pot of base soup with onion, celery/carrot and garlic, with or without herbs (fresh coriander is very nice for middle-eastern flavored soup)

2. Add main seasoning such as Cajun spice, Baharat spice mix (or any exotic spice mix you like but not frequently used), turmeric and coconut milk, or just ground black pepper

3. Add main flavor ingredient(s) such as tomatoes, cauliflowers, red bell peppers, lentils or a combination

4. Puree half of the soup, stir to mix, season and serve!

So far, my favorite combo is: 1(+coriander), 2(Baharat), 3(tomatoes and lentils).

By trying vegetarian and non-vegetarian soup, I notice that vegetarian soup actually works out better for my tummy. My body just feels much better and relaxed with vegetarian soup so that's how it will be as far as lunch time soup goes.

07/04/2020, Tuesday

Easy Nacho dinner: On a bed of torn iceberg lettuce, spoon over your chili con carne or chili beans, poached egg (optional but nice) and grated cheese. Before eating, have as much plain yogurt as your heart desire on the side with sensible amount of corn chips. Fresh, light and easily gluten-free.

10/04/2020, Good Friday

Wow, Doves Farm Gluten-free plain flour (FREEE) works like a dream. I made a quiche pie crust with it and I feel it works even better than with the wheat flour. The dough still needs to be handled delicately especially when it's rolled out but it does not crumble like almond flour (or wheat flour in my case).

For a 23-cm round pie dish, I used 200g flour, 1/4 tsp xanthan gum, 1/2 tsp salt and 2 tsp sugar, 1/4 cup butter mixed with 1 yolk, 4 tbsp water. This is going to be my default pie crust recipe!

11/04/2020, Saturday

We did have a week of unstoppable sunshine and warm temperature. At least we got to enjoy some while WFH.

Happy Easter with a daffodil from the garden.

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