Tuesday 3 April 2012

Happy Easter

I have been trying out some recipes and cooking gadgets recently. Very enjoyable and satisfying to learn new things and food every day.

The most surprising discovery so far in terms of food is turnips. It did not occur to me to eat it raw until a piece from New York Times came out in late November 2011. Oh, what a revelation! Although sharing physical similarities, raw turnips do not taste like daikon, . For me, the flesh of turnips has a creamy feel, pleasantly sweet (like carrots), very more-ish. Daikon for me tastes like mildly sweet and refreshing asian pear. I urge you to try, if you can find fresh turnips near where you live. 

The gadget of the month is the cooking thermometer. Lakeland does a brilliant one by combining spatula and thermometer into one (the metal thermometer can even be removed from the silicon spatula to test meat. How great is that!). Now my jam and jellies set like clockwork (what took me so long?). And yes, I made my first ever batch of quince jellies. Wonderful stuff. 

Finally, I leave you with a montage of recent favorites which brought smiles to us, and wish you a Happy Easter.

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