Wednesday 11 April 2012

I like - Chang Yu Sheng

If you are in your 20s, you probably don't have a chance to know this talented music artist from Taiwan, Chang Yu Sheng 張雨生. Had been very active in the university singing scenes, he shot into fame by winning the Best Singer (and the Best Performing Group) in the island wide Pop music competition in 1988. And his illustrious albeit regrettably short career as singer, song writer and producer started from there.

His music accompanied me many late nights during my high school years. His resounding voice pierced straight through midnight silence and straight into my heart during times when I had only textbooks, a yellow lamp and my little muddled head with me. Growing up in an environment where listening to pop music was openly discouraged, as a rebellious, confused and cheeky teenager, I dived into the world of pop music directly, without any hesitation. Chang Yu Sheng's music was with me from the beginning because I felt he was talking to me, about something that mattered to me.

And I still do.

Here are a few of my favorite. But, really, you ought to listen to all his collection, to appreciate how diverse and talented his music was.

"音樂倘若源自心靈,不過"誠實"而已。" -- 張雨生

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