Saturday 9 January 2021

2021 weekly - week 1

01/01/2021, Friday

Lyra Silvertongue led us to the New Year. After a few episodes of His Dark Material, I have become rather addicted to it.

Good Morning to you all.


We walked along the river to the city centre and then headed back. It was raining, a typical British winter day but we were not the only ones on the road, not to mention a good number of brave runners.

Can't believe that my holidays are coming to an end. Let's see what 2021 brings.

02/01/2021, Saturday

Made the lemon tart and claimed my free cookie today from my local supermarket. Walked a little bit to enjoy the winter sun. Nothing special but this routine still relaxes and cheers me.

03/01/2021, Sunday

My bad, didn't know that the first week of 2021 starts tomorrow. Last day of indulgence. Another 2hr walk along the river. Feeling blessed. 

04/02/2021, Monday

First day back to work. Feel so strange that I have no one to say Happy New Year to. Gotta admit that I missed it. Instead, I wished my Park maintenance officer a Happy New Year. I've been seeing him several times a week during 2021. Still don't know his name but surely we recognize each other. This means that yes I had my first run in 2021 at 5C, first in a month. In fact, it went better than I thought. My body didn't fight that much with me and I did a gentle 2400 meters. Feeling really good!

And because New Year needs new plans so I decided to write a food diary. Mainly to force myself to lose some holiday weight but also it's good to review my diet once in a while.

Exercises today:

1. Morning physio
2. Park run: 2800 meters
3. Evening physio

05/01/2021, Tuesday

Apart from reading Petit Nicolas for two weeks, I didn't do any French. Have to admit that my motivation for the language is less now but it would still be good to aim for DELF B1, if I can muster up the energy.



Yes, the third lockdown. When I see my neighbors having people staying overnight almost weekly, I have a sense of how some fraction of the society deals with being Tier4. Not surprisingly, the infection rate keeps on doubling and as of midnight this early hour, we are in our third national lockdown.

Exercises today:

1. Morning physio
2. Park run: 2800 meters
3. Evening physio

06/01/2021, Wednesday

It's still cold (under 5C) but it's dry and bright. No excuses.

Exercises today:

1. Morning physio
2. Park run: 3200 meters
3. Evening physio

07/01/2021, Thursday

Exercises today:

1. Morning physio
2. Park run: 2400 meters
3. Evening physio

08/01/2021, Friday

High 1C today. Too chilly to go out. Cheese fondue tonight (I know, without burning calories, my bad).

Exercises today:

1. Morning physio
2. Park run: 3200 meters
3. Evening physio

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