Saturday 23 January 2021

2021 weekly - week 3


Hmm, I started to feel something funny again on my left knee (during running). Am I just not suitable for running?

Today's exercises:

1. Morning Physio
2. Park run: 2800m
3. Evening Physio

21/01/2021, Thursday

I am not doing very well exercise wise. Not because of pain but motivation this time. Well, perhaps I aim for a run tomorrow.

22/01/2021, Friday

Not very happy with the run today. My right ankle played up half way. I am quite sick of my legs now. Perhaps running is just not for me. HIIT may still work out better for me.

Today's exercises:

1. Morning Physio
2. Park run: 1200m
3. Evening Physio

Just made Ruby Tandoh's yogurt cake again. No apple nor spices but with Earl Grey leaves this, my Earl Grey cake for tomorrow's breakfast.


  1. take it easy! i hope you'll feel better again soon! I hurt my right knee simply by doing nothing but jut ran a bit in cold....owing to my hormonal and body change, i couldn't walk afterwards....stayed put for almost 2 weeks, not going out, not doing much walking in the flat. Almost after 2 months I am okay again. Last week I was finally on the bike. Take it easy! kisses and hugs! Miss you!

    1. Hellllllo! Hope you are doing well. I've decided to stop running and do something else for now. I've had enough of my leg problems. Saw the physio, did the exercises diligently and the problem reappears as soon as I start to run again. It's demoralising.

      Kisses and hugs to you too. Take care!
