Thursday 21 January 2021

I make - Naomi Devlin's Gluten-Free Digestives

Hands down, one of the best homemade biscuits I have made, gluten-free or not. My only addition is the orange extract and some mixed spice. This is totally not traditional for digestives but we love it. The effect is subtle and adds some background warmth. The biscuits crumble lightly to the bite but hold up well with fingers. Great as cheesecake base too. I've made so many times since I first tried. One of my favorite recipes from Ms Devlin.

Gluten Free Digestives in Rectangles

Naomi Devlin's Gluten-Free Digestives

110 g gluten-free flour (your favorite blend)*
35 g ground almonds
35 g ground oats (aka oat flour)
1.5 tsp (5 g) ground linseeds
1 tsp ground psyllium husk
1/4 tsp salt
50 g light muscovado sugar
1/4 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp orange extract or zest
1/4 tsp mixed spice
80 g salted butter, chilled and diced (or 50 g butter + 1 tbsp olive oil)**
2-3 tbsps milk

Combine flour, ground almonds, oats, linseeds, psyllium husk, salt, sugar, baking soda, orange extract and mixed spice in a large bowl. Mix well. 

Rub cold butter cubes into the flour mixture until your mixture looks like bread crumbs. Drizzle enough milk to bring the dough together. Your dough should look like slightly wet sand. Chill the dough for a few hours or overnight (which is what I do).

Preheat the oven at 180C. Line two baking trays with parchment paper.

Remove the chilled dough from the fridge. Start with half of the dough and roll out between two pieces of clingfilm to a thickness of 3mm. Use a cookie cutter or a pizza wheel to cut into any shape you want. Lay the cookie pieces on to a baking tray and dot the top with a fork or a bamboo skewer. Bake for 12-15 minutes until the edges start to color. Rotate the tray half way through.

Repeat the same rolling and cutting process for the remaining dough. If you use a 5-cm round cutter, you should get around 30 5-cm rounds from the whole recipe.

Cool the biscuits on the tray for a few minutes before removing them to a cooling rack. Allow to cool completely before eating.

*Ms Devlin uses: 50 g sorghum or teff + 40 g tapioca + 20 g brown rice and my blend: 20% sweet rice + 30% Buckwheat + 30% Cornmeal + 20% Tapioca. In fact, I've tried several customized blends and they've all worked well.

**80 g butter gives a shortbread texture whereas 50 g butter + oil produces a slightly richer than Rich Tea taste. 

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