Saturday 16 January 2021

2021 weekly - week 2

10/01/2021, Sunday

We've had a cold week last week, finishing with -1C yesterday at max. The sun is finally out today and looks less cold? Will take this opportunity to have a walk.

11/01/2021, Monday

Today's exercises:

1. Morning Physio
2. Park run: 3200m
3. Evening Physio

Made a pot of soy milk with soy flour. So easy and tasty. 1 cup soy flour with 4 cups of hot water. Simmer and stirring for 20 minutes. Sugar to taste (or not). Easy peasy.

13/01/2021, Wednesday

Today's exercises:

1. Morning Physio
2. Park run: 3200m
3. Evening Physio

No motivation what so ever.

14/01/2021, Thursday

Feeling slightly better, motivation wise, despite it's the third day raining nonstop.

Today's exercises:

1. Morning Physio
2. Park run: 3200m
3. Evening Physio

15/01/2021, Friday

Today's exercises:

1. Morning Physio
2. Park run: 3200m
3. Evening Physio

It was 1C today and yet I had a pretty good run. Groceries done and treats made.

Sticky Toffee Pudding is such an evil thing.

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