Saturday 29 August 2020

2020 weekly - week 35 (23rd week of confinement)

23/08/2020, Sunday

My physio morning and afternoon routines for the coming week.

House alarms started to play up last night at 3:10am! First night of our staycation. Then the smoke alarms decided to join as well. It went on until 22:00 tonight. I am exhausted.

24/08/2020, Monday

Finally had an uninterrupted night of sleep. Waking up feeling fresh. Such a nice feeling.

Had oeuf à la coque for le petit dejeuner and tarte aux courgettes for le dîner. Thomasina Mier's recipe worked well tonight.

Total running distance: 5200 meters (new record!)
Longest non-stopping distance: 3200 meters

I finally broke the 5K mark. So happy. Even though my left leg/knee started to play up again after 8 laps, I was able to half run and half speed walk to reach 5K. Very pleased with myself today.

And more good news regarding health, I got the blood test results back. Everything appears to be normal! Nutrient levels, cholesterol and blood sugar are all within the healthy range. Dancing!

26/08/2020, Wednesday

Marvelous run today. The left (outer) knee pain starts predictably after 8 or 9 laps but I still managed to complete another 5K loop. 

Total running distance: 5200 meters
Longest non-stopping distance: 3600 meters

Had my first video consultation on the coeliac disease. The Dr. is great. Clear and thoughtful and he pronounced my name correctly first time around. The huge weight has been lifted. Thank you, Dr.

27/08/2020, Thursday

A fantastic day in Clare. Although the town is petite, it's in the middle of the rolling fields, full of walking paths. The landscape is gentle (perfect for city dwellers like us) but still with ups and downs. The fields now have all been harvested and I can smell wood burning from the distance. This is Autumn. 

We took the easiest route, the Clare Loop. It's roughly 5km and very enjoyable. People from the countryside are so friendly. They greet and talk to strangers. We felt very welcome. Thank you, People in Clare.

Sunday 23 August 2020

I make - Gluten-Free Scotch Eggs and Potato Salad

My second attempt with the Scotch eggs. Pretty pleased with the results. Regarding the meat wrap breaking last time, I realized that the meat can't be rolled/patted out too thin. So this time the scotch eggs are pretty perfect. I also reduced the amount of seasoning this time as the egg really stands out with moderately seasoned sausage meat.

I made a potato salad to go with. Minimal mayo with lots of Greek yogurt. The lemony and tangy salad is perfect accompaniment for the Scotch eggs. Bon appetit!

Gluten-Free Scotch Eggs
6 soft boiled eggs for a runny yolk
1 bowl of ice cold water
350-400 g sausage meat or 6 sausage links (British size), skin removed
1 tsp Dijon mustard
1/2 tsp ground black pepper
1/4 tsp garlic powder or 1 clove garlic, grated

For coating
1 egg, beaten and mixed with a tablespoon of milk
1/2 cup GF breadcrumbs
1/4 cup corn starch or any GF flour

Vegetable oil for deep-frying.

To prepare the eggs:
Boil a pot of water. Place 6 eggs carefully into a pot of boiling water. Start your timer and once the water comes back to boil, lower the heat to simmer with lid on and cook for 6 minutes for a runny yolk. 7 minutes for a more set yolk. 8 minutes for a fully set yolk. I prefer 7 minutes.

Once the cooking time is up, submerge the eggs in ice-cold water to stop them cooking. Crack the shells lightly/gently to allow the water to penetrate. It makes peeling easier afterwards.

To prepare the meat wrap:
In a large bowl, add the sausage meat, mustard, black pepper and garlic. Mix thoroughly. Divide the meat into 6.

To assemble the Scotch Eggs:
De-shell the soft-boiled eggs. Take a portion of the meat and flatten it between two sheets of clingfilm. Roll/pat out in an oblong/rectangular shape, large enough to encase the egg completely. Make sure it's not too thin.

Remove top piece of clingfilm and place one of the eggs in the middle and gently wrap the egg to fully encapsulate inside with the aid of the bottom piece of clingfilm. Pinch the excess sausage meat off if needed. Repeat for the remaining eggs.

To bread crumb:
Set up your bread crumbing station with wide based bowls of GF flour, beaten egg and GF bread crumbs. Keep one dry hand and one wet hand. Carefully roll the scotch eggs, firstly in the flour, making sure you dust off any excess. Secondly into the beaten egg and thirdly into the breadcrumbs. Fingers are the best tools for this. Once all 6 eggs are coated, you can repeat the same process to use up excess egg/bread crumb or if you want an extra crunchy exterior. Chill the eggs for 30 minutes before frying. It's optional. 

To fry:
Heat vegetable oil in a heavy based pan to 160C. Be very CAREFUL when cooking with hot oil. Carefully lower the eggs into the oil and fry till lightly golden brown the first round. I turn my eggs in 30-sec interval in the oil to make sure even coloring and not too browned. You may have to fry them in batches. Drain on kitchen paper after the first round of frying. I then fry them again to have the final golden brown color. It also helps crisp up further.

Potato Salad with Greek Yogurt

750 g new potatoes, scrubbed and washed
Water to boil

2 tablespoons of mayo
1 tablespoon wholegrain mustard
Zest and juice from 1/2-1 lemon (to taste)
1 banana shallot, minced
1/2 tsp dried tarragon leaves
1/2 tsp salt
A few grinds of black pepper
1/2 cup Greek Yogurt (0% works fine)
1 tablespoon honey (optional)

Boil a big pot of water to cook the new potatoes (as whole). Lower the potatoes into the boiling water. Once the water comes back to boil, lower to heat to simmer for 20 minutes. Test with a skewer or a knife. If it goes in and comes out easily, the potatoes are done. Drain and steam dry the potatoes to body temperature.

In a wide-bottom bowl, combine mayo, mustard, lemon zest and juice, minced shallot, tarragon leaves, salt and black pepper. Stir to combine and set aside the dressing bowl.

When the potatoes are cool enough to handle by hands, peel and cut the potatoes into 1.5cm chunks. Peeling is optional if you don't mind the peels. Place all cut potatoes in the dressing bowl. Use a rubber spatula to mix the dressing with the warm potatoes. Potatoes absorb seasoning better when they are warm. Set aside the potato salad for 30 minutes or longer. 

Just before serving, stir in Greek Yogurt and honey (if using). Adjust the yogurt amount to create the level of sauce you desire.

Saturday 22 August 2020

2020 weekly - week 34 (22nd week of confinement)

16/08/2020, Sunday

My physio morning and afternoon routines for the coming week.

I tried another scone recipe with less butter than my favorite recipe and with milk only. Well, I didn't like it. The issue with less butter is that the scone becomes doughy (not enough fat molecules to separate the flour). As for the effect with milk, I don't dislike it but yogurt is better. Well, my curiosity is satisfied. 

17/08/2020, Monday

Well, I really wanted to do another 4800 meters today but the thunderstorm stopped me after 800 meters. Hiding under the trees is not enough today and I got soaking wet pretty quickly. Was rescued by hubby holding an umbrella searching in the park.

18/08/2020, Tuesday

Total running distance: 4800 meters
Longest non-stopping distance: 3200 meters

I really want to break the 5K mark but it seems that it will take slightly longer than expected...

20/08/2020, Thursday

Total running distance: 4800 meters
Longest non-stopping distance: 2400 meters

21/08/2020, Friday

Total running distance: 4800 meters
Longest non-stopping distance: 3200 meters

My running went pretty well until the last two laps. My left knee started to play up. It's clearly running related because I felt perfectly fine when walking. So I walked the last two laps.

Well, I consoled myself with a piece of chocolate cake afterwards.

Saturday 15 August 2020

2020 weekly - week 33 (21st week of confinement)

09/08/2020, Sunday

My physio morning and afternoon routines for the coming week.

I thought I knew Beethoven but after watching BBC's 3-part series on Beethoven I realized how ignorant I had been. 

The series made me rediscover Beethoven, to know him from a personal level and how his life impacts the music he writes. The long standing physical illness, the mental troubles and the social awkwardness are sufficient to easily destroy a person but Beethoven made it work. Being deaf for almost half of his life, he wrote many of his masterpieces during that time. He redirected his energy from daily frustration to write down what's on his mind in music and in letters and transformed everyday suffering to ethereal sublime. Even being socially awkward, it did not stop him being a true caring emphatic friend. It was said that he once consoled a female friend who just lost her child by showing up quietly, improvising on the piano and quietly leaving the house afterwards. He understood that sometimes words are not enough. 

Beethoven is an inspiring character, for me not because of his musical work but more from a personal level. He did not let hardship stop him. 


11/08/2020, Tuesday

Decided to try exercising before breakfast to avoid the heat. Running before breakfast actually feels pretty good, except that I did end up quite useless the rest of the morning. Well, not sure this is the routine going forward but reserved for "special" occasions.

Total running distance: 4800 meters
Longest non-stopping distance: 2400 meters

12/08/2020, Wednesday

Well, my coeliac has been properly confirmed today. Despite numerous signs before the biopsy, I was still hoping for a false positive. No such luck it seems but relived nonetheless. Have to properly announce to the family.

2020 is such an extraordinary year in so many ways. 

13/08/2020, Thursday

Long waited thunder storm. Finally we have a break of the relentless heatwave.

Not a great day to walk outside but I had to. Coming back soaking wet and feeling good after a medical test, I decided to bake a chocolate cake (and had two generous slices afterwards). Nothing fancy, just good old chocolate in various forms. I think chocolate cake should be treated like banana cake, the simpler the better.


Thursday 13 August 2020

I make - Chocolate Loaf Cake

I have been eyeing for Nigella's Quadruple Chocolate Cake for a while. Now that we have a break from the heat wave (Thank Goodness!), time to turn the oven on! I adapted the recipe because I did't have all the ingredients at hand. I like the result so here is the recipe.

Gluten-Free Chocolate Loaf Cake

- 200 g gluten-free flour blend
- 50 g cocoa powder
- 1/2 tsp baking soda
- 1 tsp baking powder
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 125 g butter, room temperature
- 200 g sugar
- 2 eggs
- 1 tablespoon vanilla extract
- 1/2 cup yogurt (or sour cream for a more decadent cake)
- 1/2 cup hot coffee (or freshly boiled water)
- 100 g dark chocolate, chopped
- 2 tablespoons of Amaretto to brush (optional)

Butter and line a 2-lb loaf tin. Mix flour, cocoa powder, baking soda, baking powder and salt in a bowl. Preheat the oven at 180C.

In another bowl, beat the butter and sugar for two minutes. Add in one egg, mix well before adding the other. Sift the dry ingredients into the butter bowl and add the vanilla extract, yogurt and coffee. Stir to combine. The batter is on the loose side, almost like thick cream. Fold in the chocolate chips.

Pour the batter into the prepared loaf tin and bake at 180C for 50-55 minutes. Check the cake with a toothpick at 50 minutes. When the toothpick comes out clean, remove the cake from the oven. The cake will have a mushroom cloud top with a crack in the middle. That's good.

The original recipe brushes the cake top with chocolate syrup but I like Amaretto and think it works well here for flavor and the gloss. Brush 2 tablespoons of Amaretto on top of the cake while hot. Cool to body temperature before slicing.

Saturday 8 August 2020

2020 weekly - week 32 (20th week of confinement)

02/08/2020, Sunday

My physio morning and afternoon routines for the coming week.

Had my first endoscopy yesterday after self-isolating for a week. Opted for sedation (and throat spray by default). The process went very quickly and much less scary as I thought. Waiting for the biopsy results.

03/08/2020, Monday

Looks like there is another heatwave from the mid-week. So I relished my Monday run at the park with just 18C. Perfect.

Total running distance: 4400 meters
Longest non-stopping distance: 2800 meters

05/08/2020, Wednesday

My first video consultation with GP today, did not go well. Firstly, the phone didn't ring at the scheduled time. A text message came 40 minutes after the appointment time telling me to log on a video link. OK, I was getting hopeful. Then waiting for another 90 minutes and I made a phone call just to make sure I was doing everything correctly (yes I did and was told the nurse was busy?! Why did she text me?). Still no sign of consultation. Right now it's 130 minutes after the scheduled consultation. Should I continue to wait?

This is really lousy. 

06/08/2020, Thursday

It turned out that the video link did not work yesterday. I logged on by clicking the link but nothing happened. So I am not sure what/where went wrong. 

It's another rant about my experience with GPs today. First of all, NHS staff get my full respect, admiration and support. Period. My experience with the big hospitals have been excellent and I've been grateful since. As for my GP practice, it's a bit hit and miss. I do get seen most of the time when I need. That's a plus. However, there are more minuses such as missing prescriptions (zillion times) and not proactive at all. Notes sent to them regarding my medical conditions were never followed up until I request it. Once it's started, it's me who have to request the relevant tests. Seriously? Haven't they all sworn to care human life after years of training? I am going blind here simply based on what I read from the internet. And yet, I feel that I only get treatments if I ask. What else am I missing which I could have needed? I am really worried.

Total running distance: 4800 meters
Longest non-stopping distance: 3200 meters (new record!)

07/08/2020, Friday

Another 34C Friday, properly melting.

Monday 3 August 2020

I make - Gluten-Free Scotch Eggs

Made my first scotch eggs. Not bad at all. I thought the most difficult part would be the running yolk but no, it's the meat wrapping which got me a few times. The end result is pretty good. Need to work on the sausage wrapping in the future.

Gluten-Free Scotch Eggs
4 soft boiled eggs for a runny yolk
1 bowl of ice cold water
4 sausage links (British size), skin removed
1 tsp mustard powder
1 tsp dried oregano
1/2 tsp ground black pepper
1 clove garlic – crushed

For coating
1 egg – beaten
1/2 cup GF breadcrumbs
1/4 cup corn starch or any GF flour

1 litre vegetable oil for deep-frying.

1. Start by boiling your eggs.
2. Place 4 eggs carefully into a pot of boiling water.
3. Turn down to a just boiling simmer and cook for 5 and a half minutes for a very runny yolk. 6 minutes for a runny yolk. 7 minutes for a more set yolk. 8 minutes for a fully set yolk.  I prefer 7 minutes.
4. Submerge the eggs in ice-cold water to stop them cooking.
5. In a large bowl, add the sausage meat, mustard, oregano, pepper, garlic and tomato puree and mix thoroughly. 
6. Divide the mince into 4.
7. De-shell the soft-boiled eggs.
8. Take a portion of the mince and flatten it between two sheets of clingfilm. Roll out in an oblong shape, large enough to encase the egg completely. You can pinch the excess sausage meat off later. 
9. Remove top piece of clingfilm and place one of the eggs in the middle and gently wrap the egg to fully encapsulate inside with the aid of the bottom piece of clingfilm. Pinch the excess sausage meat off if needed.
10. Once you’ve rolled all 4 eggs in mince you should now have 4 tennis ball sized naked scotch eggs.
11. Set up your bread crumbing station with separate plates or wide based dishes of GF flour, beaten egg and GF bread crumbs.
12. Carefully roll the scotch eggs, firstly in the flour, making sure you dust off any excess. Secondly into the beaten egg and thirdly into the breadcrumbs.
13. Repeat steps 2 & 3 for an extra crunchy exterior!
14. You can chill the eggs for 30 minutes for them to firm up or proceed straight ahead with the cooking!
15. Heat vegetable oil in a heavy based pan or a deep fat fryer to 160C. Remember to be very CAREFUL when using hot oil.
16. Carefully lower the eggs into the oil and fry for 5 minutes till golden brown. You may have to fry them in batches. Reserve the cooked 120c ones in a low oven till you finish.
17. Drain on kitchen paper and serve

Saturday 1 August 2020

2020 weekly - week 31 (19th week of confinement)

26/07/2020, Sunday

My physio morning and afternoon routines for the coming week.

I've reduced to three days per week for the afternoon exercise, but still doing the morning routine every weekday.
Sausage balls: 450 g sausage meat + 1/2 cup self-raising flour + 1/3 cup porridge oat + seasoning spices + 1.5 cup of grated cheese + dash of milk if necessary
Mustard sauce: 2 tbsp mustard + 2 tbsp honey + 2 tbsp mayo + 1 tsp vinegar
This makes a surprisingly fun dinner. Quick and easy to make too.

Summer is here!

28/07/2020, Tuesday

A Scandal in Belgravia is my favorite episode from BBC's Sherlock Holmes.
