Saturday 22 August 2020

2020 weekly - week 34 (22nd week of confinement)

16/08/2020, Sunday

My physio morning and afternoon routines for the coming week.

I tried another scone recipe with less butter than my favorite recipe and with milk only. Well, I didn't like it. The issue with less butter is that the scone becomes doughy (not enough fat molecules to separate the flour). As for the effect with milk, I don't dislike it but yogurt is better. Well, my curiosity is satisfied. 

17/08/2020, Monday

Well, I really wanted to do another 4800 meters today but the thunderstorm stopped me after 800 meters. Hiding under the trees is not enough today and I got soaking wet pretty quickly. Was rescued by hubby holding an umbrella searching in the park.

18/08/2020, Tuesday

Total running distance: 4800 meters
Longest non-stopping distance: 3200 meters

I really want to break the 5K mark but it seems that it will take slightly longer than expected...

20/08/2020, Thursday

Total running distance: 4800 meters
Longest non-stopping distance: 2400 meters

21/08/2020, Friday

Total running distance: 4800 meters
Longest non-stopping distance: 3200 meters

My running went pretty well until the last two laps. My left knee started to play up. It's clearly running related because I felt perfectly fine when walking. So I walked the last two laps.

Well, I consoled myself with a piece of chocolate cake afterwards.

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