Saturday 15 August 2020

2020 weekly - week 33 (21st week of confinement)

09/08/2020, Sunday

My physio morning and afternoon routines for the coming week.

I thought I knew Beethoven but after watching BBC's 3-part series on Beethoven I realized how ignorant I had been. 

The series made me rediscover Beethoven, to know him from a personal level and how his life impacts the music he writes. The long standing physical illness, the mental troubles and the social awkwardness are sufficient to easily destroy a person but Beethoven made it work. Being deaf for almost half of his life, he wrote many of his masterpieces during that time. He redirected his energy from daily frustration to write down what's on his mind in music and in letters and transformed everyday suffering to ethereal sublime. Even being socially awkward, it did not stop him being a true caring emphatic friend. It was said that he once consoled a female friend who just lost her child by showing up quietly, improvising on the piano and quietly leaving the house afterwards. He understood that sometimes words are not enough. 

Beethoven is an inspiring character, for me not because of his musical work but more from a personal level. He did not let hardship stop him. 


11/08/2020, Tuesday

Decided to try exercising before breakfast to avoid the heat. Running before breakfast actually feels pretty good, except that I did end up quite useless the rest of the morning. Well, not sure this is the routine going forward but reserved for "special" occasions.

Total running distance: 4800 meters
Longest non-stopping distance: 2400 meters

12/08/2020, Wednesday

Well, my coeliac has been properly confirmed today. Despite numerous signs before the biopsy, I was still hoping for a false positive. No such luck it seems but relived nonetheless. Have to properly announce to the family.

2020 is such an extraordinary year in so many ways. 

13/08/2020, Thursday

Long waited thunder storm. Finally we have a break of the relentless heatwave.

Not a great day to walk outside but I had to. Coming back soaking wet and feeling good after a medical test, I decided to bake a chocolate cake (and had two generous slices afterwards). Nothing fancy, just good old chocolate in various forms. I think chocolate cake should be treated like banana cake, the simpler the better.


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