Saturday 28 March 2020

2020 weekly - week 13 (1st week of confinement)

22/03/2020, Sunday

Ankle circumference (tape going on top of tibia/fibula pointed parts):
left widest: 22.5-23cm
right widest: 25cm

I didn't do as much physio as usual. Well, what's usual these days?! The world has been turned up side down by this new virus. The British government is finally getting serious about combating Covid-19. I'm also very relived to see that the so-called herd immunity and minimum testing strategies have been abandoned. I really wonder where the government got its initial advice as none made any practical nor scientific sense.

Anyhow, since I am back to working from home again. I need to revise my routines a little bit. I hope to do the physio more regularly in a structured way. Here is the routine I plan for the coming week.

Morning and Lunchtime routine (this is my old routine):

0. Warm up by raising up both heels and slowly coming down
1. Alternating toe and heel walk: 10 minutes
2. Heel walk: 4 minutes
3. Single leg stance: 5 minutes
4. Alfredson Protocol: 15 reps x 3 on the right leg; 15 reps x 3 on the left leg
4b. Single leg calf raise: 1 minute x 3 on the right leg; 1 minute x 3 on the left leg
5. Dorsiflexion stretch on a step: 4 minutes
6. Ankle four ways with resistance band

Evening routine (this is for the new exercises):

0. Warm up: squat down and heel raise 3x10, inchworm 10-20 reps
1. Stationary lunges, forward/backward: 2 minutes
1b. Walking lunges: 6 minutes
2. Jogging on the spot: 2 minutes
2b. Knee-high jump: (45-sec on + 15-sec off)x4
3. Stationary side lunges: 2 minutes
3b. Moving side lunges: 4 minutes
4. Single leg calf raise with a dumbbell on a stepper: right leg 3 minutes + left leg 3 minutes
5. Jumping squats (not yet)
6. Balance on a wobble board (not yet)
7. Leg press machine (not yet)

23/03/2020, Monday

Just got off the phone with my GP. It turned out that I may be coeliac/celiac which is an autoimmune disease caused by gluten ingestion. It leads to malabsorption and can cause anemia (poor absorption of iron), fracture-prone bones (poor absorption of calcium) and skin issues (skin manifestation). All of sudden, the health issues which have been happening to me may have a common cause. In a way, there seems to be an answer for these. Being diagnosed with coeliac is annoying, no doubt, to know that I may have dietary restrictions for life. But there is always a bright side of thing. Perhaps it's a motivation to discover less visited aspects of cooking.

It looks like this curve ball is bendier than I initially thought and I am still trying to take the new find in, in addition to stricter lock-down measures imposed by the government tonight.

26/03/2020, Thursday

20:00 ClapForCarers. ThankYouNHS.

Not enough Thank-you is sufficient to express my immense gratitude to NHS. Thank you all NHS staff from bottom of my heart.

27/03/2020, Friday

Well, after Prince Charles tested positive, today is BoJo's turn. Washing hands frequently is essential but not enough. Need to wear masks!

On a positive note, we have been doing outdoor exercises everyday this week, the first week of confinement. No more than 1 hour each day, within Government's advice and also the time is just right to continue working afterwards.

As long as weather permits, I hope to continue this daily exercise.

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