Saturday 7 March 2020

2020 weekly - week 10

01/03/2020, Sunday

I've been trying the new exercises and my legs are really sore! But now I can balance on one leg for up to 50 seconds. A week ago it was 30 seconds. Pretty amazing to see the improvement.

Because I am going back to the office tomorrow, I won't have much time for physio as before. The good thing is that with the new exercises, I won't need much repetition as before. I will continue to do my old routine and also incorporate a new one. Here is a revised routine for this week.

Lunchtime routine (this is for the new exercises):

0. Warm up: squat down and heel raise 3x10, inchworm 10-20 reps
1. Knee-high jump/jog: 6 minutes
2. Stationary lunges, forward/backward: 2 minutes
2b. Mobile + Walking lunges: 2 + 2 minutes
3. Stationary side lunges: 2 minutes
3b. Moving side lunges: 4 minutes
4. Jumping squats (not yet)
5. Balance on a ball (not yet)
6. Leg press machine (not yet)
7. Standing on the edge of stairs on right leg with extra weight (not yet)

Evening routine (this is my old routine):

0. Warm up by raising up both heels and slowly coming down
1. Toe standing (single leg) combined with toe walk: 6 minutes
2. Heel walk: 4 minutes
3. Single leg stance: 5 minutes
4. Alfredson Protocol: 15 reps x 3
4b. Standing on the edge of stairs on right leg, heel down and up: 1 minute x 3
5. Dorsiflexion stretch on a step: 4 minutes
6. Ankle four ways with resistance band

Meals planned for this week:

Quiche Lorraine (take II)
Malaysian spicy tomato chicken with red pepper basmati rice and tomato/cucumber salad
Pasta frittata (take II)

02/03/2020, Monday

I did the two routines as listed up there, one at work and the other at the gym. Feeling pretty good about how the day went. Now I am feeling tired. Perhaps an early night.

06/03/2020, Friday

I am happy with the routines so far, after a week. I've tweaked a bit but overall I am going to work on this for another week. Jumping/jogging is the hard one. I developed some ankle pain on the 4th day so I left it out today. Instead, I did standing on the stairs and heel up/down with weight. 5-kg is just right for me.

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