Saturday 22 February 2020

2020 weekly - week 8

16/02/2020, Sunday

Hubby got a kilo of chicken breast. I had never bought chicken breast in my life! Well, this will be a week of chicken breast then.

General Tso's chicken with basmati rice
Chicken mustard casserole with fettuccine
Beef and chickpea stew with couscous

17/02/2020, Monday

Routine this week:
1. Sitting down and up from a chair (10 times x 5) x 4 repetitions
2. Standing on toes (one leg) combined with toe walk, (1 minute x 5) x 4 repetitions
2b. Heel walk (1 minute x 2) x 4 repetitions
3. Single leg stance, (1 minute x 5) x 4 repetitions
4. Alfredson Protocol (15 reps x 3) x 4 repetitions
4b. Standing on the edge of stairs standing on right leg, heel down and up (40 sec x3 + 20sec rest x3) x 4 repetitions
5. Dorsiflexion stretch on a step (1 minute x 2) x 4 repetitions
6. Walking without crutches with music (5 minutes) x 4 repetitions
7. Ankle four ways with resistance band

18/02/2020, Tuesday

12 weeks after the surgery, three months after my ankle ORIF, what a difference have I observed! From the period of incapacitation to walking unassisted now, I have come a long way. And it's not over yet. By now, I should be finishing the reparative stage and ready to head towards the the remodelling stage (the final stage) of fracture healing. Let's keep it going, Body.

Bone growth biology

19/02/2020, Wednesday

Another dentist visit today to complete the implant work. Yeah! I am now officially with two new teeth. The surgery was done back in September. The procedure would have finished by December last year but as you know God had another plan. So it feels like a long time coming. So glad it's done.

It's funny to get two molars back. I have been without them for so long. I can actually bite properly. Strange feeling still but I hope to get used to them.

21/02/2020, Friday

Went to pick up my DELF certificate and to see my GP for a routine screen. The true test was to see whether I could walk all the way to two places (near each other, 1.4 mile from home).

Well, with one crutch, the way out was not bad at all. I felt a spring in my legs the first half hour. But when I got to the GP, my injured leg did feel a bit tired whereas the good leg was perfectly fine. On the way back, I could see I walked even more slowly than the way out. My injured leg was feeling tiredness. No matter. Soon the strength and endurance will come back.

I am glad that I went out on my own today. Feeling free and back to normal days.

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