Saturday 8 February 2020

2020 weekly - week 6

02/02/2020, Sunday

Greek-inspired lemon cod
Beef chickpea stew, sauteed spinach
Mushroom pasta bake
Cocoa chocolate cake (this is a great recipe, easy to work and with light crumb. I don't bother with the icing and scatter some chopped chocolate on the cake top when it's out of the oven)

03/02/2020, Monday

Wolff's law: Bone will adapt to the loads under which it is placed. It goes either way. The stronger the load, the stronger the bone. The weaker the stress, the smaller the bone.

That's why healthy people need load bearing exercises and injured ones need physiotherapy to introduce load bearing, to improve bone density.

Similar law exists for soft tissues, called Davis's law.

Isn't human body marvelous?

05/02/2020, Wednesday

Driven to the dentist today. Finished within 40 minutes. See you in two weeks.

I ended up working until 11pm tonight. Working remotely is getting a lot from me.

Did two sessions of exercises today. Have to catch up tomorrow.

06/02/2020, Thursday

Routine today:
1. Sitting down and up from a chair (10 times x 5) x 4 repetitions
2. Standing on toes (one leg) combined with toe walk, (1 minute x 5) x 4 repetitions
2b. Heel walk (1 minute x 2) x 4 repetitions
3. Single leg stance, (1 minute x 5) x 4 repetitions
4. Standing on the edge of stairs, heels down ([20 sec with one leg, 40 sec with two legs]x3) x 4 repetitions
4b. Alfredson Protocol (15 reps x 3) x 4 repetitions
5. Dorsiflexion stretch on a step (1 minute x 2) x 4 repetitions
6. Walking without crutches with music (5 minutes) x 4 repetitions
7. Calf stretch against the wall (1 minute x 2) x 4 repetitions
8. Ankle four ways with resistance band

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